"The [French] cavalry swaggered, the martial clanging of its scabbards ...
Artillerymen strode with aloof pride - was not Emperor himself also a gunner ?
But it was the sweaty soldats d'infanterie, the gravel-agitating,
beetle-crushing infantry who truly carried the French Empire
on their burdened shoulders and bayonets."
- Colonel John Elting (ext.link), US military historian
2. Line, Light and Irregular Infantry. 3. Weapons. 4. Organization. 5. Drummers, Cornets and Musicians. 6. Sappers 7. Grenadiers & Carabiniers 8. Fusiliers & Chasseurs 9. Voltigeurs 10. Eagles, Flags and Fanions. 11. The Best Regiments (1790-1815). 12. Souces and Links.
"After several years of war many volunteers
The numerous wars made the military service
"This terrible Napoleon and his infantry, .
![]() Picture: captain of 94th Line Infantry Regiment in 1810-1812. "It is well known with what gallantry the [French] officers lead and with what vehemence the troops follow ..." - William Napier (ext.link), British army
After the bloody battle of Valutina Gora (1812) "Gudin's division |
French Infantry Under Napoleon.
With few exceptions, most armies in history have been built around a core of infantry.
"The army's infantry is its most essential component. Even today, no army can take and hold any ground without
the use of infantry." (Nafziger - "Napoleon's Invasion of Russia" p 13, 1998)
Lacking time to train the vast masses of conscripts and volunteers, Carnot fostered the amalgame, which used the Royal Army
as the hard core around which new regiments were formed, thereby greatly facilitating the implementation of the new tactics; the recruits could be used in line and as skirmishers,
where discipline and training were more important than elan. Everything was in short supply, so the armies did without tents, trains, and similar impedimenta,
learning to live off the land, and were thus able to move more rapidly than their foes. Carnot was also ruthless.
Trusting no one, he used a system of political commissars, to keep an eye on the reliability of generals
Success was the only criterion for rank. Bonaparte was a product of his times.
"On 1 Jan 1791 the infantry was reorganised into 104 line regiments and 12 chasseur battalions (light infantry).
A report to the Assembly noted that these units were woefully under-strength.
Initially the Assembly wanted to bring the standing army up to full strength and raise battalions of National
Guardsmen as its reserve. However, many politicians distrusted the army after the mutinies of 1790, the widespread
desertion and the inability of officers to control their men ... Consequently, on 21 June (the day after the King's failed attempt to flee France) and on 22 July 1791, the
formation of 185 battalions of gardes nationaux volontaires was ordered."
(Crowdy - "French Revolutionary Infantryman 1791-1802" p 8)
Under Napoleon the discipline of the troops greatly improved
although now and then were problems. When the 69th Demi-Brigade mutined a general arrived to see what
the trouble was. The infantrymen cheerfully explained that they had no complain except that they had nothing to do; they simply had 'bored themselves' and so kicked up a little
excitement to make life interesting !
There was no corporal punishment in the French army.
In contrast the Russians used gauntlet, and the Brits flogged the troublemakers.
In 1809 Napoleon chastised the lack of discipline in some infantry divisions.
He noted that since Battle of Wagram, Tharreau's division had attended neither battalion school nor target practice.
Henceforth, the Emperor ordered, the men would perform the basics of the soldier's school
and practice platoon drill each morning. They would fire 12 cartridges daily at the marks and for 2 hours
in the evening perform battalion maneuvres. (Arnold - "Napoleon Conquers Austria")
It was by no means an illiterate infantry.
In 1812 the 33rd Line Infantry Regiment had 500 "privates worthy of NCO rank" and more than 700 who
understood the decimal system, and the first three rules of arithmetic. Many of the officers were
classically educated.
In 1803-1807 France had probably the best infantry which had ever existed in Europe up until
that time. It was the Camp of Boulogne that Napoleon's greatest military ideas were executed.
The Napoleonic foot soldiers were known for agility, stubborn attacks, and the speed of their
marches. Maneuverability and speed were the characterictics of Napoleon's lightning campaigns.
In November 1805 at Mariazell 4 French battalions routed 8 Austrian battalions.
The French took large numbers of prisoners. General Friant wrote that at Austerlitz
"No sooner had the 15th Legere and 33th Ligne arrived and deployed than they marched on
the enemy, nothing could resist their attack, the 15th was directed at the bridge and
chased a corps 10 times more numerous than they, penetrated Sokolnitz, intermingled
with the Russians, slaughtering with the bayonet all that dared oppose them."
In Salamanca (1812) the French 25th Light and 27th Line attacked while the British
line hesitated and stood firm for a moment. The British then broke and fled.
An English officer described a fight between the elite British Fusiliers and the French:
"The French regiment formed close column with the grenadiers in front and closed the
battalions ... They then advanced up the hill in the most beautiful order without firing a
shot ... when about 30 paces distant our men (British) began to waver, being still firing ...
The ensigns advanced 2 paces in front and planted the colors on the edge of the hill
and officers steped out to encourage the men to meet them. They (British) stopt with
an apparent determination to stand firm, the enemy (French) continued to advance at a steady
pace and when quite close the Fusiliers gave way: - the French followed down the hill on our
In Leipzig (1813) a group of French infantry swam the Elster River near
Mockern and began firing, the surprised Prussians were taken in crossfire and fled.
In Borodino the French infantry have suffered even more. Sergeant Bertrand of 7th Light Regiment writes:
"A roundshot took my captain's head off, killing or mortally wounding four men in the first rank.
The lieutenant takes the captain's place; scarcely is he at his post than he's himself stricken by a piece of grape which shatters his thigh.
In the same instant the sous-lieutenant's foot is shattered by another shell fragment. The officers hors
de combat, the sergeant-major absent, I, as senior sergeant, take command of the company."
The reconstruction of the infantry in 1813 was not a simple task. One cannot just strike the earth and expect legions, armed, clothed and trained. Napoleon used everything he had.
In 1813 the young soldiers were called "infants of the Emperor."
Thousands of the footsore men entered Dresden, wore their battle dress and marched into
battle singing "Victory is Ours".
Marshal Davout wrote: "in spite of their youth ... I cannot recall having found more ardor
in our old troops." They have fought bravely at Dresden and Leipzig. At Dresden "The streets were full of French troops, especially the open spaces in the suburbs ...
Amongst these troops the bursting shells produced only a feeling of exhilaration and eagerness.
They were to fight under the immediate command of a leader whom they still believed to be invincible.
In 1814 the French infantry found itself in heavily reduced size.
A handful of heroes faced all of Europe to whom they themselves had taught the art of fighting over the past decade.
In 1815 it was no more than a glorious memory. After the 100-Days Campaign the French King Louis XVIIIth decided that no reminder of the
Republic or the Empire would be allowed to survive in the army. The organization of the
army and the uniforms from the Empire were banned.
There were also cases of cruelty and abuse of prisoners.
Chlapowski of Napoleon's Guard Lancers writes: "The Austrian defense of the town had been fierce. A great many French corpses lay in front of and
on the bridge leading to the city gate. ... After a fierce struggle the French had broken into the town and ran amok among the Austrians, leaving many corpses around the streets.
.... [they] having lost many men before taking the town, exacted a terrible revenge afterwards. The Emperor refused to enter the town until the following morning.
I think even he was disturbed by the sight of this carnage."
The high stress suffered during military campaign (they were put into action without full training) exhausted many of them. They fell sick by hundreds, there were also deserters and stragglers. Special detachments were formed to catch the stragglers and find the weak and 'make them walk'. In Paris alone 320 soldiers of Young Guard were arrested for desertion and sent to prisons.
During Emperor's journey from Dresden, through Gorlitz to Bautzen, he saw the German roads and villages choked with thousands of stragglers. Napoleon was outraged and issued the following order: "Every soldier who deserts his flag betrays the first of his duties.
As a consequence, His Majesty orders: Article 1. Evry soldier who deserts his flag without
legitimate cause will be subject to decimation. To this effect, as soon as 10 deserters
are returned the generals commanding the army corps will have them draw lots, and have one
shot." Bautzen. 6 Septeber 1813 Napoleon."
(Bowden - "Napoleon's Grande Armee of 1813" p 160)
"The strength and physical stamina of the young conscripts, and
consequently the quality of their regiments, left much to be desired; they could not march
like the veterans, fell easy prey to sickness, and the standard of their training when they
left the depots in the spring 1813 was frighteningly low. The ability of battalions to
manoeuvre was poor, and many recruits could not even load their muskets. When the
reinforcements drafts marched to the front, carts had to follow them to pick up the
footsore and the exhausted." (Digby-Smith, - p 29)
The new units were thrown together quickly and their men had not had the necessary time
to form the interpersonal bonds within their companies that gave them the morale strength
necessary to wage war successfully. Despite these problems, the army's morale was
generally high. Many of the young troops who stayed in the ranks, were filled with
boundless confidence in their leader whom they loved with unflagging devotion.
to dung carts. In all weathers and at all times they are
accustomed to march, when our men would fall sick by
hundreds ... Another peculiar excellence of the French
infantry is their steadiness in manoeuvering under fire."
- John Mills of British Coldstream Guard
"The army's infantry is its most essential component.
Even today, no army can take and hold any ground
without the use of infantry." - George Nafziger
Years of almost incessant campaigning included bayonet charges, amphibious assaults, partisan
warfare, urban combat and more. But despite the glamor of the divisions of Imperial Guard and heavy cavalry, an often overlooked fact is that the mainstay of the
French army throughout the napoleonic wars was the long-suffering, hard-marching infantry regiments and battalions.
There were hardly more than dozen regiments of armored cavalry; there were rarely far fewer than two hundred infantry
regiments holding the various fronts around Europe. Unfortunately, these critical units often go almost completely unnoticed in histpories of the war.
The infantry was the basis of the Napoleonic army, which was the largest army in the World in that time.
Such army was necessary as France had several powerfull enemies on land; Russia, Prussia and
Austria all had large armies. In this situation accepting only volunteers (as it was in the
small Swiss and British armies) was not enough. To meet the numbers conscription was at work.
Conscription hustled to arms a lot of quivering creatures who would never have gone to war
of their own free will. The process of weeding out the weak was under way in the first
stages of every campaign.
In 1792, every able-bodied Frenchman was declared liable for military service, and National Guard was formed.
Revolutionary France had been the first to adopt the principle of universal conscription,
according to which all young men of draft age were subject to being called up; in fact,
however, a system of drawing names was in place, and as a result, only the minority of
those eligible were enrolled every year.
Even though entering the draft lottery was
theoretically required of all male citizens, malfunction exemptions, favors and bribes -
together with every man's perfectly legal right to buy a replacement if he could afford one -
guaranteed that the burden of conscription fell principally upon the country and town folks.
Nevertheless, the army considered itself as representative of the entire society.
The new French armies, composed of demoralized regulars and untrained
volunteers, refused to face the disciplined Austrian troops and were more dangerous to
their own officers than to the enemy. The victory at Valmy stimulated the French morale,
then the Jacobin fanatics infused the
French soldiers with something of their own demonic energy.
Untrained but enthusistic volunteers filled the ranks.
In the spirit of liberty and equality, the volunteers elected their officers, and discipline
all but disappeared.
During 1793-1796, the infantry was reorganized into demi-brigades, each with 1
battalion of old soldiers and 2 battalions of volunteers, in the hope of combining
regular steadiness with volunteer enthusiasm. Initially, the result was that each
element qcquired the other's bad habits. There was no time to drill the disorerly
recruits into the robot steadiness and precision demanded by linear system.
(Esposito, Elting - "A Military History and Atlas of the Napoleonic Wars")
Every infantryman was armed with musket, bayonet, and carried a knapsack,
water bottle, and blanket or greatcoat, besides an ammunition pouch.
According to David Chandler "Training remained rudimentary. The new conscript might receive 2 or 3 weeks of
basic instruction at the depot, but he would fire on average only two musket shots a year in practice. Much stress was placed upon
the attack with cold steel ..." (Chandler - "Dictionary of the Napoleonic Wars" pp 207-208)
Chlapowski writes: "The arrival of the first French infantry division [to Poland], belonging to Davout's Corps, made
a strange impression on me. A dozen or so of us rode out to meet it, and about a mile outside the city we saw fields
completely covered with individual soldiers, in greatcoats
of every color, carrying their muskets with the butts in the air and picking dry paths through the fields
to avoid the knee-deep mud on the road. Right outside the city [Posen], by the windmills, there was a beating of drums,
and they all came running to form ranks and in the blinking of an eye they had taken off their greatcoats, straightened
their bicornes on their heads and become the most regular armies. They then marched at a lively pace into the city with
bands playing. They halted in the market square, stacked their weapons and took out little
brushes to wipe the mud from their shoes and began fooling around as if they had only
been marching for a mile, not the 150 miles they had just completed.
I stared in amazement at these boisterous infantrymen, so far undefeated. They might as
well have been going to a dance.
They were not like the Prussian infantry ... Those had seemed a full head taller, with broader
shoulders and far stronger, but, at the same time stiff and wooden, and after a half-mile march, when their column had halted for some reason, they had straight away broken ranks to rest."
(Chlapowski/Simmons - "Memoirs of a Polish Lancer" p 10)
Many of the victories from 1805 to 1807 were both easy and decisive.
In 1806 and 1807 "In action, the infantry was still splendid, and did not as yet require to be formed in deep columns of many battalions,
such as was Macdonald's at Wagram, three years later."
(Petre - "Napoleon's Campaign in Poland, 1806-1807" pp 27-28)
General Thiebault described how the infantry manoeuvered at Austerlitz
(on the Goldbach Heights): "The two corps [of Lannes and Soult] executed their rearward
movement in squares, chequer-wise... For my own part I was no less struck by the novelty
than by the magnificence of the spectacle. Nothing could be finer or more imposing than
the 30 moving masses, which after two hours' march extended over a distance of five miles,
while their arms sparkled in the sun." The Russians and Austrians noted that the French
regiments maneuvered calmly and with precision "as if on parade ground."
The musket fire of French infantry was very effective due to the considerable musketry
practice with live ammunition that the French had received at Boulogne Camps.
"The French infantry was indisputably the finest in Europe
in 1805, and perhaps even the finest infantry fielded throughout the wars of 1792-1815."
(Goetz - "1805: Austerlitz" p 45)
Austrian Gen. Stutterheim wrote:
"The French infantry manoeuvered with coolness and precision, fought with courage, and
executed its bold movements with admirable concert."
The Battle of Austerlitz was a glory day for the French infantry.
Napoleon had strong centre under Generals Vandamme and St.
Hilaire climb the Pratzen Heights, the key position on the battlefield.
Kutuzov and part of Russian staff rode forward with Jurczik's Austrian brigade.
As they drew closer against the French center and began to deploy, the French placed
6 heavy guns behind the 36th Line Regiment (3 pieces on either end of the regiment)
and waited. Both sides deployed in almost a mirror image of each other.
On north flank Vandamme sent one battalion of 10th Light but the attackers wavered
and the Austrian grenadiers counterattacked. The French were driven off to the northwest.
Grenadiers' victory was short-lived as Boye's dragoons (part of 3rd Dragoon Division)
charged and surrounded them. The grenadiers were captured "almost to a man".
The Austrian VI/23rd Infantry instead of coming to the grenadiers' rescue they threw their
muskets and fled in panic. (Goetz - "1805: Auserlitz" p 184)
On the southern flank appeared Kamenski's brigade, the Russians were unaware of the
situation further north. The French II/10th Light (750 muskets) exchanged volleys with
two Russian battalions (total of 1,000 muskets). Both sides held ground however the
Russians suffered heavier casualties than the French. More battalions drew into line
adjacent to the ones already in firefight. Approx. 3,000 Frenchmen stood in line and
fired at 3.000 Russians. After 20 minutes of this firefight and after the Austrian brigade
under Jurczik fell back the Russians began wavering. Russian General Langeron described
this combat: "Soon, the French lines initiated a very sharp and very murderous fire of
musket and canister upon the brigade of Kamensky which in a moment had many men rendered
hors de combat. (Kamensky's brigade) answered with a less sharp and badly directed
fire, the majority of our soldiers fired in the air ... in justice I ought to say that
despite the superior number of the enemy, despite their little experience of war and the
effect on them of an unforseen attack on their rear, despite the noise of gunfire, which
many of them were hearing for the first time, they maintained themselves admirably for
nearly 2 hours and in these two hours more than half of the two regiments were left dead."
(Langeron - "Journal inedit de la Campagne de 105; Austerlitz" p 75)
General Langeron arrived, placed himself at the head of Russian grenadiers and led them
in bayonet charge. This attack was successful and one grenadier battalion captured 2 guns
and almost reached Pratzen. St.Hilaire led counter-attack, he drove the grenadiers back,
recaptured the guns and took the Russian positions.
In the center Austrian Jurczik's brigade advanced against Pratzen.
Thiebault ordered his infantry to hold their fire until the Austrians had closed
to 30-40 meters. When the whitecoats drew closer the French infantry unmasked several
cannons and opened a murderous fire. The Austrians were surprised and halted, unable
to move forward one step. The French opened musket fire and charged with bayonets.
Jurczik's first line (3 btns.) fell back, while his second line (2 btns.)
counterattacked but without success. Jurczik was mortally wounded.
GdD Vandamme's infantry attacked Kollowrath and Miloradovich on the Pratzen Heights.
According to Robert Goetz "for at least an hour, intense fighting raged across the
entire length of the Pratzen Heights" Vandamme's divisional battery took active part
in it firing canister at the whitecoats.
The Austrians wavered and when few squadrons of French dragoons charged from the flank,
they broke and fled. The dargoons captured hundreds of prisoners and sabered Austrian and
Russian gunners. Once Kollowrath's northern flank was falling back, his center began
Around 11 AM Kollowrath ordered all his forces to withdraw. Vandamme's infantry rushed
forward with a cheer. Once Vandamme's men crossed over the crest Napoleon lost sight of them.
They were now advancing against the second line under the command of Miloradovich.
They opened a heavy musket fire killing and wounding many Russians and some Austrians.
Both sides held their ground and paused - for a while - to put order in their weary battalions.
Vandamme renewed his attack after 11:15 AM and broke the Russians. They fled toward Zbishow.
According to Robert Goetz the fighting on the Pratzen Heights had marked the climax of the
Battle of Austerlitz. The superb performance of the French made the Austrians' brave
attempts futile.
Even in Spain many units performed gallantly.
John Burgoyne wrote in "Life and correspondence of Burgoyne": "The French regiment
came up the hill with a brisk and regular step, and their drums beating pas de charge:
our men fired wildly and at random among them; the French never returned a shot, but
continued their steady advance. The English fired again but still without return ...
and when the French were close upon them, they wavered and gave way."
Colonel Waller, (British 2nd Division) witnessed a French attack against Picton's "Fighting
Division" in 1810 at Bussaco: "At this moment were seen the heads of the several columns,
three I think, in number and deploying into line with the most beautiful precision, celerity
and gallantry. As they formed on the plateau, they were cannonaded from our position and
the regiment of Portuguese... threw in some volleys of musketry into the enemy's columns
in a flank direction, but the (Portugese) regiment was quickly driven into the position ...
the (French) columns advanced in despite of a tremendous fire of grape and musketry from our
troops in position in the rocks, and overcoming all opposition although repeatedly charged
by Lightburne's Brigade, or rather the whole of Picton's Div., they advanced and fairly drove
the British right wing from the rocky part of this position."
Picture: "the French arrived [at Tordesillas], 60
... headed by Cpt Guingret, a daring man,
formed a small raft to hold their arms and clothes, and plunged into the water, holding their swords with their teeth,
swimming and pushing their raft before them. Under protection of a cannonande they crossed this
great river, though it was in full and strong water, and the weather very cold, and having reached the other side,
naked as they were, stormed the tower: the Brunswick regiment then abandoned the wood, and the gallant Frenchmen
remained masters of the bridge." (Napier - "History of the War ..."
Vol IV, p 138)
Many napoleonic battles were very bloody and cost many lives.
In 1812 after the battle of Valutina Gora
"Gudin's division were drawn up on top of their companions' and Russian corpses, amidst half-broken trees, on ground
ripped up by roundshot ... Gudin's battalions were no longer more than platoons. All around was the smell of powder.
The Emperor couldn't pass along their front without having to avoid corpses, step over them or push them aside.
He was lavish with rewards. The 12th, 21st and 127th Line and the 7th Light received 87 decorations
and promotions." (Britten-Austin - "1812 The March on Moscow" p 214)
In 1812 majority of veterans was swallowed up in the bloody battles and the
snows of Russia. The casualties were horrible and it required a heart of stone to
look on those gallant men, mangled, frozen and torn,
and heaped in thousands over the fields and roads.
Aster tells a curious story of a battery which received orders to be ready to move into the fighting line.
The men were dust-stained and untidy after their long march. The moment they heard the order, each man began to get out of his haversack
his parade uniform, which it was thought suitable to don on such an occassion. Comical scenes ensued, as men,
in the act of changing their trousers, had to skip off as they might to avoid a shell about to burst.
All were laughing and cheery, as if about to go to some fete. Such was the spirit of Napoleon's soldiers."
(Petre - "Napoleon at War" p 226, publ.1984)
In 1813 at Leipzig the defense of Probstheida was incredible. Digby-Smith writes: "The courage
and ferocity shown by both sides in the battle of Probstheida was truly unique, as were the losses they suffered.
An attempt by the Old Guard to advance south, however, was stopped by the Allied artillery on the low hill about 500 m away.
Generals Baillot, Montgenet and Rochambeau were all killed during the fighting here, while
French regiments which especially distinguished themselves were the 2nd, 4th and 18th Line and the 11th Light.
Even Prinz August von Preussen wrote most flatteringly of the enemy's valour ..."
Allies staff officer Maximilian von Thielen writes: "The French were holding out with unparalled stubborness ..."
Napoleonic infantryman was easy everywhere, little or nothing
worried him, neither the pyramids of Egypt nor the vast plains of snowy Russia.
No matter where he found himself, he considered himself
to be a representative of the French way of life.
The army will never forget that under Napoleon's eagles, deserving men of courage
and intelligence were raised to the highest levels of society.
Simple soldiers became marshals, princes, dukes and kings. The French soldier had become
an equal citizen by right and by glory.
Every soldier of Roman Empire could make a career in the army.
The veterans could even aspire to become
primus pilus.
The French infantrymen were not angels and sometimes behaved badly.
"The 43rd regiment of line infantry had ... became involved
in so many duels that the active enmity of the citizens [of Caen]
compelled its retirement." ( Parquin - "Napoleon's Victories")
Among the French troops occupying Spain looting was rampant, discipline was poor.
The veterans were demoralized by plunder and waste and by the cruel war with Spanish
guerillas. They had got out of the habit of being inspected. Training had fallen off during
the years. Several hundred of veterans were selected from the troops in Spain and sent to join the
Middle Guard. Although they looked good with tanned faces, some of them went around and
stole things in Paris. General Michel arrested them and sent to prisons.
The civilian population in Spain were treated by the French in a manner that ranged from the merely boisterous to downright brutal. Rape, pillage, murder, thievery, drunkenness and anything else were common. "... the number of towns whose inhabitants were accused of firing on the French - most notably, Medina de Rio Seco and Chinchon - experienced appaling massacres. To decribe this policy as genocide - a term that can certainly be applied in other contexts, most notably the Vendee - would be to go too far.
Many French officers were, in fact, keenly aware that their aim had to be driving a wedge between the insurgents and the
populace as a whole and struggled hard to keep their men under control, whilst further restraints were often exercized by
the civilian officials who became involved in the various anti-bandits tribunals established by such rulers as Joseph Bonaparte."
(Esdaile - "Popular Resistance in the French Wars" p 12)
The numerous campaigns made the military service unpopular in France. In 1813 in the west of
France it became necessary to hunt up the refractaires with mobile columns, and the generals reported that they were
afraid to use their young sldiers for this purpose.
The new army was huge but the 18- and 19-years old soldiers lacked stamina and the rapid
marches and hunger weakened them physically. Camille Rousset gives the following as a common type of report
on inspection: "Some of the men are of rather weak appearance. The battalion had no idea of manouveruring; but 9/10
of the men can manage and load their muskets passably." General Lambardiere writes: "These battalions arrive fatigued, every day
I supply them with special carriage for the weak and lame ... All these battalions are French; I must say that the young soldiers
show courage and good-will. Every possible moment is utilised in teaching them to load their arms and bring them
to the shoulder." So poor were they in physique that the Minister of Police protests against their being drilled
in the Champs Elysees during the hour of promenade, on account of the scoffing and jeering they gave rise to.
Line Infantry
However, the actual average height of napoleonic grenadier and carabinier was slightly below the official minimum requirement. It was due to the fact that sometimes shorter men were also accepted if they had 4 years of service and have participated in at least 2 campaigns. Newly formed regiments and battalions didn't have grenadiers as they not had been in enough combat.
PS> In the 18th and 19th centuries, the whites in USA were taller than people in Europe. Several nations have now surpassed the US, particularly the Dutch and the Swedes. In the late 19th century, the Netherlands was a land renowned for its short population, but today it has the 2nd tallest average in the world, and only shorter than the peoples of Herzegovina and coastal Croatia, where males average 186 cm. In 2005 the average height of 20-30 years old male was: China 170 cm, France 175.5 cm, Germany 178 cm, Israel 175.5 cm, Poland 176.5 cm, Portugal 172.5 cm, Sweden 180 cm, USA (whites) 179 cm, USA (blacks) 178 cm
Line Infantry
After the defeat in 1814 and Napoleon's first abdication, this number of France's departments sharply decreased and France entered the Waterloo Campaign with only 86 departments.
In 1803 the French army had 89 regiments of line infantry, numbered 1st-112th. Twenty three numbers were vacant: 31, 38, 41, 49, 68, 71, 73, 74, 77, 78, 80, 83, 87, 89, 90, 91, 97, 98, 99, 104, 107, 109, 110. The majority of vacant regiments were due to yellow fever and casualties suffered on San Domingo.
Many regiments of line infantry won fame on the battlefield. The 57th Ligne (Le Terrible) enjoyed a
great reputation and was one of the best of line regiments.
On their flag was inscribed Bonaparte's remark about their bravery at Rivoli.
In 1805 at Austerlitz the following French line regiments captured Allies colors:
14th, 18th, 33rd, 43rd, 48th, 55th, 75th, and 108th.
In 1806 at Jena, the 111th Line Infantry captured a Prussian battery despite 6 volleys of canister.
In 1809 at Aspern-Essling the Austrian cuirassiers executed a bold charge.
"Instead of losing momentum by ordering a square, he [Saint-Hilaire] commanded the trusty 105th Line to face to the flank, told the drummers
to beat the pas de charge, and advanced against the enemy horsemen. Infantry charging cavalry was thing rarely attempted.
It demanded great resolution. ... The 105th met the challenge and drove off the startled Austrian heavy
horse." (Arnold - "Napoleon Conquers Austria", p 70)
In the beginning of March 1814, the French-Italian troops arrived at the walled city of Parma. One battalion of 9th Line Infantry marched down the length of the ramparts with a picket of Italian 1st Chasseur Regiment. The French voltigeurs arrived at San Francesco Gate, with Second-Lieutenant Hutinet at their head, they scaled the wall and chased off the militia troops guarding it. They opened the gate and allowed the entry of the battalion. The Austrians and British began to withdraw. On learning this, the French brought forward another battalion of the 9th. The allies were hastily scurrying along Parma's narrow streets and bridges to evacuate the city. The Battle of Borodino was glory day for the French line infantry. Captain Francois of 30th Line described attack on the Death Redoubt (Raievski Redoubt): "Nothing could stop us... We hopped over the roundshots as it bounded through the grass. Whole files and half-platoons fell, leaving great gaps. General Bonamy ... made us halt in a hail of canister shot in order to rally us, and we then went forward at the pas de charge" A line of Russian troops tried to halt us, but we delivered a regimental volley at 30 paces and walked over them. We then hurled ourselves at the redoubt and climbed in by the embrasureds; I myself got in through an embrasure just after its cannon had fired. The Russian gunners tried to beat us back with ramrods and levering spikes. We fought hand-to-hand with them, and they were formidable adversaries." Captain Bonnet describes how the Russian skirmishers arrived in good order a little to the left "... and a dense column to our right. I deploy my battalion and, without firing, march straight at the column. It recoils. When carrying out this movement we were so exposed to grapeshot from the guns in the village that I saw my battalion falling and being breached like a crenellated wall. But still we went on."
Light Infantry
The light infantry formed advance guards and scouting parties. This kind of service had fostered the soldier's intelligence and independent judgement. No longer he was a mindless robot in a lock-step formation, moving and firing only upon order.
Napoleon's light infantry enjoyed a great reputation in Europe.
In his "Basic Reason for the French Success" Prussian general Scharnhorst maintained that
the individual French soldier, epitomized by the light infantryman, had decided most of the
tactical engagements of the war. Scharnhorst wrote: "The physical ability and high inteligence
of the common man enables the French light infantryman to profit from all advantages offered
by the terrain and the general situation, while the phlegmatic Germans, Bohemians and Dutch
form an open ground and do nothing but what their officers order them to do."
More often than not it was the light infantry storming the gates of farms and towns.
For example at Waterloo the gate of Hougoumont was stormed by the 1st Light Regiment, and the gates of
La Haye Sainte was attacked by the 13th Light.
In Hougoumont Lieutenant Legros - nicknamed "The Smasher" (L'enforceur) choped a hole
through the door panel with an axe.
In 1809 at Ebelsberg, the men of the 26th Light, covered themselves with glory. In 1809 at Aspern-Essling the 24th Light's in brilliant bayonet charge overran Austrian battery. The French took 700 prisoners and recaptured the church. Soon however the Austrian Beniovski Infantry Regiment counterattacked and took the church.
The regiments of light infantry were given mountainous departments from which
they would draw conscripts and recruits. In 1803 the French army had 26 regiments of
light infantry, numbered 1st-30th. Four numbers were vacant: 11th, 19th, 20th, 30th.
In 1813-1814 there were 35 units numbered 1st-37th, two numbers were vacant. Below is a
list of disbanded and raised regiments:
In 1815 (Waterloo Campaign) there were only 15 regiments of light infantry.
Irregular Infantry.
There were several units of irregular infantry. The miquelets francais was another unit formed on the Spanish border during 1792-94 and 1808-09.. It was an old French custom to recruit independent companies of Basques and smugglers for partisan mountain warfare. Moncey and Perignon commanded such units early in the Revolution. For many Frenchmen the Basques' features suggested extreme ferocity. These iregulars were armed with very long-barreled muskets with a set-trigger, pistols and snickersnees. In 1815 Napoleon formed Chasseurs des Pyrenees to guard the Spanish frontier. Napoleon wanted 9 battalions but the time was short and only seven and half were formed. The Chasseurs des Alpes was formed in 1813 in preparation for an Austrian offensive in Italy and for fighting the Piedmontese Barbets. It had 1-2 battalions formed of former smugglers, poachers, gamekeepers and ordinary mountaineers. In 1814 the Bourbons disbanded this unit. In 1815 Napoleon formed 2 battalions. The Chasseurs de la Reunion were formed as part of the garrison of the Isle de France (Mauritius). It was all-black formation. They proved worthless as combat troops. The cipayes (sepoys) were made of natives in India. There were only few companies and they were disbanded in 1803 when the small French colonies in India were lost to the British in 1803.
Napoleonic Infantry Weapons: Muskets and Bayonets.
French Musket and Bayonet.
Some of the elements of the 1777 Charleville model are the finger ridges on the trigger guard, the brass frizzen, and the cheek piece carved in the stock's butt with a straighten frizzen cover and slightly different front band. The 1777 Charleville was considered by most Europeans as the best musket in the world. These smoothbore muskets were named after the armory in Ardenne, France. It was also distributed to the Americans, and later became the basis for the pattern of the Springfield Musket 1795. They are 60 1/2 inches, with a 45 inch barrel, and have "U.S." stamped on the butt stock. During prolonged firing the soldier had often to clear the vent with a pin carried on his pouch belt, and clean the barrel which often fouled after 50 or 60 shots. Cartridges were spoiled by humidity. In wet weather men who failed to keep them dry, or to cap or wrap up their lock plates, were incapable of firing a shot. By today's standards, muskets are not very accurate due to the windage (gap) between the projectile and the barrel. Depending on the type and calibre, it could hit a man's torso at up to 200-300 paces, though it was only reliably accurate to about 50-100 paces.
Ammunition to the Charleville Musket was kept in the black cartridge box. It was called giberne and was carried by all infantry. For campaign the cartridge box (or rather the large outside flap) was covered by 'white' fabric covers made of undyed linen. On the cover was painted regimental and battalion number.
Infantry Sabers (Briquetes)
The short sabers were a burden during skirmishing but the soldiers liked them. Maybe it was a question of status, the 'noble' cavalryman carried sabers so why not we infantrymen, right ? These sabers were mostly used in the camp although they were kept during combat. Sometimes the infantrymen left their sabers in depots before marched into the field. For example before the battle of Fuentes de Onoro the French infantrymen left their sabers in depots. The 2nd Conscripts of Young Guard in Spain left them behind while being on campaign of pursuing the Spanish guerillas across rough terrain.
Officially the short sabers briquetes were issued only to the elite companies
(grenadier and carabinier companies) and to the infantry of the Imperial Guard.
Unoficially also the voltigeurs and chasseurs carried them.
The Decree of 27th October 1807 forbade the voltigeurs to be armed with the
sabers. Of course none of the guys took it very seriously and they kept their
weapons until 1815.
Drummers, Cornets and Musicians.
The musiacians occupied a central place in the life of the troop during peacetime for they
signalled the routine of the day, the posts, reveille, reviews etc.
Drummers Each company had 2-3 drummers. But the drum was an unhandy, heavy instrument and for this reason the "brave little drummer boy" of tradition was not much use on napoleonic battlefield. Training of drummers was largely oral, mouth-to-ear. Occasionally, with a slow learner, the technique could be hand-to-ear ;=) The drummers had to master an often bewildering litany of commands and especially the beginners had difficulties with holding the drumstick properly without hitting the rim of the drum as often as the drum-head, which would bring down upon them a reprimand from the instructor, or in some cases a rap across the knuckles for some persistently awkward boy. Generally the drummers were not necessarily boys. For example at Waterloo the average age of the drummers in the British II/73rd Foot was 23, and had an average of 8 years service each. When 13-year-old Parisian street urchin, by name Victor, wanted to join the 5th Regiment of Tirailleurs (Young Guard) as a drummer-boy, he was turned down because of his tender age and puny physique.
Cornets According to Colonel Elting (USA) during 1804-5 first the light infantry regiments and then the voltigeur companies of the line regiments had them replaced by cornets. Those were "hunting horns" with circular tubing and a flaring bell. The cornets were "immediately and immensely unpopular" ; their tone squeaky and "far more productive of laughter than martial fury." Nothing seems to have been done officially, but all light regiments gradually recovered their drums. The cornets remained, at least for show.
Musicians (Regimental Band) Officially there were also 8 musicians per infantry regiment but colonels often increased their numbers to 20-30. During battle the regimental bands were often grouped to form massed big bands. The infantry sang the songs refrain.
The band played when troops
waited for action or marched behind the advancing battalions. In 1812 the bands were playing
and marching in front of their parent regiments when they were crossing the Niemen River and
border of Russia.
The voltigeurs were a new branch of infantry and were introduced by Napoleon in 1803.
The Decree issued in March 1803 ordered raising a 10th Company in the regiments of
light infantry. These were voltigeurs and were formed by taking the 6 smallest men from every
chasseur company in the battalion. In December was decided that the voltigeurs won't be
taller than 4'11' (French) and their officers not exceed 5'.
In 1805-1806 was introduced requirement of 2 years of excellent service for being admitted into voltigeurs. In 1808 the voltigeurs were officially assigned to the left of battalion line (on the right flank stood the robust grenadiers). In 1809-1810 the voltigeurs were granted a higher pay. The voltigeurs were the best suited troopers for skirmishing, ladder climbing, urban combat, and for scouting. The voltigeurs were trained in firing rapidly and accurately and were expected to be able to march at the trot. Napoleon also wanted them to vault up behind cavalrymen on horses but in real combat this happened only very few times.
Sometimes the voltigeur companies were detached from their parent battalions and formed
in large formations for specific tasks.
Chlapowski writes: "... the Emperor himself arrived there and sent Talhouet with 200 voltigeurs across
the Danube River on boats to the crossroads of Pratern. From there, Pourtales, who was Berthier's ADC,
then swam with a dozen or so voltigeurs across the stretch of the Danube separating Pratern from Vienna. This all
happened as night was falling." (Chlapowski, - p 65)
Theoreteically voltigeurs were armed with 141.7 cm long dragoon muskets (it was a shorter version of musket, easier to load and carry for the short man). But it was rare and voltigeurs were armed as the rest of infantry, with long muskets. They also carried a bayonet and short saber. The voltigeurs distinguished themselves by wearing yellow collars, and yellow-red or yellow-green epaulettes. Wearing epaulettes by voltigeurs was never oficially allowed - actually it was prohibited. The Ministry of War even complained that voltigeurs were "entitled to no other dress distinctions than yellow collar." Order issued in September 1808 prohibited the use of regimental funds for the purchase of epaulettes for voltigeurs. Between 1804 and 1809 some voltigeurs wore the unofficial colpacks, sort of fur cap replaced by 1809 with shakos.
Eagles, Flags and Fanions.
The practice of carrying standards, to act both as a rallying point for troops, and to mark the location of the
unit, is thought to have originated in Egypt some 5,000 years ago. It was formalised in the armies of medieval Europe,
with standards being emblazoned with the commander's coat of arms.
As armies became trained and adopted set formations, each regiment's ability to keep its formation was potentially
critical to its, and therefore its army's, success. In the chaos of battle, not least due to the amount of dust and smoke
on a battlefield, soldiers needed to be able to determine where their regiment was.
The medieval standards developed into the Colours of the infantry and cavalry.
In September 1806 it was ordered that regiments of light infantry should hand in all
their Eagles at the beginning of a campaign. The Eagles should be kept in depots.
But several regiments carried their Eagles until 1814 and even one regiment lost its
Eagle in battle in that year.
In 1812 every infantry regiment had only one Eagle. It was carried by an eagle-bearer (officer) and guarded by 2 guards (sergeants, brave but usually too stupid for commission) and 6 furiers (drawn from companies). The 2 guards (sergeants) were not the jalonneurs of the battalion.
In 1812 some regiments left their Eagles in depots and went to Russia with fanions only. The Old Guard regiments, however, kept its 1804 pattern standards until 1813. In 1814 Napoleon reissued Eagles to regiments who had had them confiscated or/and destroyed by the Bourbons. The eagles and tricolor flags were bigger but much simpler. All the regiments of Young Guard carried simple fanions.
The Best Infantry Regiments.
(line regiments)
4th Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
18th Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "The Brave"
57th Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "le Terible"
84th Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "One Against Ten"
85th Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
(light regiments)
1st Regiment d'Infanterie Légère
6th Regiment d'Infanterie Légère
9th Regiment d'Infanterie Légère "Incomparable"
10th Regiment d'Infanterie Légère
11e Regiment d'Infanterie Légère
13th Regiment d'Infanterie Légère
24th Regiment d'Infanterie Légère
25th Regiment d'Infanterie Légère
26th Regiment d'Infanterie Légère
![]() French infantry crossing the icy Berezina River in winter 1812. Russian horse gunners (in helmets) open fire on the French. Picture by Oleg Parkhaiev.
Links and Sources.
Recommended Reading.
Plates - du projet de règlement sur l'habillement du major Bardin. Paris,
Musée de l'Armée, Dist. RMN P. Segrette
Elting - "Swords Around a Throne"
Britten-Austin - "1812 The March on Moscow"
Susane - "Histoire de l'Infanterie Francaise"
Barres - "Memoirs of a Napoleonic Officer"
Lachoque - "The Anatomy of Glory"
Adkin - "The Waterloo Companion"
Mageraud - "Armement et Equiement de l'Infanterie Francaise"
Napier - "History of the War in the Peninsula 1807-1814"
Chlapowski - "Memoirs of a Polish Lancer" (transl. by Tim Simmons)
Pictures of French grenadier and carabinier by Steven Palatka.
Picture of French fusilier and light infantry in combat by Dmitrii Zgonnik, Ukraine.
Les régiments d'infanterie.
L'histoire de l'infanterie française.
Musket Charleville.
French Military.
Le musée de l'Armée .
Napoleon's Foreign Infantry.
Irish, Polish, Italian, German, Croatian and more ...
Infantry Combat and Tactics - Part 1
Musketry, Accuracy of Muskets, Bayonet Charges
Napoleon, His Army and Enemies