1. "France had been an aggressive neighbor..." 2. Bonaparte in Italy. 3. Battle of Dego. 4. Operations Against Colli and Beaulieu. 5. Battle of Lodi. 6. "Bonaparte's instinct for war - had met every challenge !" 7. Sources and Links.
![]() He spreads his forces out. The enemy doesn’t know where he is so they begin to spread their forces out. Then at the last minute he quickly concentrates his forces, he achieves mass superiority at one point and then blasts them. It’s lightning." -Howard |
"France had been an aggressive neighbor..."
Events of 1796:
The French invaded Sardinian provinces of Savoy and Nice, captured Mainz (Mayence) and raided Frankfurt. In autumn they invaded Flanders, defeated the Austrians and took the whole country,
incl. the wealthy city-port of Antwerp. Great Britain was enraged ("a pistol pointed at the heart of England"). Austria, after the loss of Flanders, was absolutely furious. The Sardinians were frightened. Austria, Great Britain, Sardinia, Prussia, Spain and Holland formed the First Coalition against France.
The British supported with money and troops the Royalist revolts in Vendee and Toulon, while the Austrians and Prussians besieged French fortresses on the northern borders.
France was in crisis and Jacobin fanatics, incl. Robespierre, took power. Many unsuccessful generals went to the guillotine, the troops were reorganized and thousands of highly enthusiastic volunteers filled its ranks.
In 1796, France, having won its own freedom, would now fight for the liberation of all Europe.
The only problem was her armies. The troops were unpaid, hungry and lacked clothes, they were almost mutinous. The Austrian Supreme War Council gave up hope of recovering Belgium but considered an offensive to clear the French from Italy.
Robespierre was enthusiastic and wrote to Paris about this ambitious officer of
artillery and his achievement. Bonaparte was promoted to general of brigade.
On October 5, 1795, when he fired the famous "whiff of grapeshot" a single artillery salvo in that suppressed the uprising. Bonaparte was promoted to general of division.
They captured Mainz and raided German Frankfurt.
In 1793 the French army invaded Holland.
- John Elting
The 1790s were turbulent times in Europe. France had been an aggressive neighbor and other European powers were willing enough to see her weakened. The undisciplined French revolutionary troops invaded Belgium but refused to fight against the highly trained Austrians.
In 1792 Duke of Brunswick's 100,000 Prussians, Austrians, French Royalists and some Hessians gathered for a march on Paris. The desertion was high and the weather was awful. Duke of Brunswick detached many of his troops to guard his line of communication. All what was left were 35,000 men. They crossed the French border and met 33,000 French under Kellermann and Dumoriez at Valmy. The French won, thanks to their artillery.
In 1793 the French under Dumoriez invaded Holland but were defeated by the Austrians at Neerwinden. The French commander attempted a counter-revolution, failed and fled to the Austrians.
The morale of French armies collapsed and they withdrew behind their own borders.
Great Britain pressed Austria for more decisive action and offered money. Austria, hoping for substantial financial support, sent another strong army to Germany. Approx. 95,000 white-coats were under the command of Archduke Charles.
Map: France's military situation in 1796
General Jourdan's "Army of Sambre-Meuse" (75,000 men)
- against 95,000 Austrians under Archduke Charles. It was the best and the biggest of allies' armies in that time. Soon it will enjoy series of victories against the French army. Archduke Charles will win his fame and Wellington will declare him as the best of Allied generals.
General Moreau's "Army of Rhine-Moselle" (80,000 men)
- against 85,000 Austrians under Wurmser
General Bonaparte's "Army of Italy" (60,000 men)
- against 55,000 Austrians and Italians (Sardinians)
General Kellermann's "Army of the Alps" (18,000 men)
- guarding the Alps passages
General Hoche's "Army of the West" (15,000 men)
- for invasion of Ireland.
In February 1797 General Tate [an American officer !] made a raid with 4 ships and 1,230 French troops against Fishguard in Great Britain. The French morale was low due to very cold winter weather and hunger. The soldiers were second rate troops, they were recruited from convicts, deserters etc. For several days they looted the English villages and searched for food. There were also several skirmishes with the British Yeomanry, militia, Royal Navy sailors, and some artillery before Tate and the few starwing French surrendered. For more info click here. (ext.link)
In this turbulent time officer Bonaparte appeared on the scene.
Napoleon was born in 1769. In the age of 10 he was admitted to the Military Academy at
When Bonaparte was 15 years old he moved to Paris for advanced training.
In 1785 Bonaparte passed the artillery examination and was commissioned a second lieutenat
in artillery.
The young Bonaparte was described during military academy's evaluation as
"well versed in mathematics and geography; was taciturn, loved solitude, was obstinate,
proud, and exceptionally inclined to egotism; spoke little, was energetic in his answers,
ready and severe in his refutations."
In the age of 22 Bonaparte became first lieutenant and the next year he got himself elected
to an auxiliary post of a Corsican volunteer infantry. His name was removed from the
French Army rolls for absence without leave. Bonaparte returned and went straight to
Paris where he vigorously protested. He obtained not only his reinstatement but advanced to
captain !
Bonaparte's Corsican battalion participated in unsuccessful expedition against Sardinia. He then decided to seek his fortunes in the French Army and joined his artillery regiment,
which was engaged in the siege of Tulon.
In 1790s "political commissars" accompanied the French troops and wielded supreme power.
One of them was Saliceti of Corsica. When the commander of artillery at Toulon was wounded,
Saliceti secured the post for young Napoleon Bonaparte.
In 1793 at French Royalists invitation, British and Spanish forces occupied Toulon, the main French naval base on the Mediterranean. Bonaparte first made his name here as a young officer of artillery, by spotting an ideal place for his guns to be set up in such a way that they dominated the city's harbour. Once this was done (by means of a sharp assault on an enemy position), the British Navy ships under Admiral Hood and the Spaniards under Juan de Langara were compelled to withdraw, and the resistance crumbled.
In 1795 Bonaparte was in Paris when a counter-revolutionary uprising broke out in the city. Barras selected him to restore order. This he did quickly, he smashed the rebellion in a matter of hours.
Although soon Bonaparte was assigned to a very high post, the commander of the Army of the
Interior, he continued writing about the Army of Italy. He criticized that army's operations,
slowness, lack of success and poor tactics. Scherer, the commander of Army of Italy
was infuriated by the flow of plans, which he considered to be beyond the capabilities of his army. Scherer resigned and was replaced with Bonaparte.
Bonaparte in Italy.
Of the French Republic's 13 field armies, the army in Italy was the most neglected.
It was in horrible condition when Bonaparte arrived.
Bonaparte's army lacked sufficient cavalry and artillery and his infantry was weakened by
detachments sent to guard the coast against British and Sardinian navies.
The French soldiers were chronically unpaid and short of everything: uniforms, shoes, greatcoats, bayonets, ammunition etc. etc. They kept themselves alive by plundering the French and Italian countryside.
The Allies however knew that the Army of Italy was in poor shape and believed it was incapable of an attack in the near future. The Austrians were eager to occupy Genoa, for from there they could maintain contact with the British fleet under Admiral Jervis and Nelson. Meanwhile Bonaparte intensified reconnaissance and stiffened discipline. He also reorganized the army into advance guard under Massena (18,000), and the main body under Augereau and Serurier.
Bonaparte knew that there was not much love lost between the Austrians and Italians. Therefore he would strike between the two enemy armies, splitting them apart. This accomplished, he was certain that the enemy would be concerned primarily with the protection of their bases in Milan and Turin. Bonaparte could then concentrate against Colli's army, without interference from Beaulieu.
Battle of Dego, 14th-15th April 1796.
Général Masséna's advance guard stood in Voltri (ext.link) and Beaulieu attempted to trap the whole French command. When the white-coats pushed Massena out of Voltri, Bonaparte was furious. Bonaparte's army was not yet ready for offensive but he recognized that this little combat offers him an excellent opportunity to trick Beaulieu out of position. Beaulieu personally commanded the troops in Voltri and met with the British squadron under Nelson. Unfortunately Argentau's troops (part of Beaulieu's army) were still far away and Beaulieu was worried. Bonaparte arrived, noticed that Beaulieu and Argentau were separated and Colli's Italians were not stirred up by the event, so he issued orders for the offensive. Bonaparte's troops moved immediately after the issue of ammunition, in rain and darkness. His scouting parties were reconnoitering very aggressively against Argentau. Against Colli's army were sent troops under Serurier, they were to immobilize the enemy by demonstrations, but not to attack.
The French woke up and fled in panick before Massena was able to stop them. Bonaparte was angry, Massena and his troops were again routed by the white-coats ! Bonaparte gathered up Victor's and Laharpe's troops, while Vukassovich occupied Dego and called for Argentau to join him. The timid Argentau assumed that Vukassovich was in a hopeless situation, and had himself hastily retired. At 2 PM the French attacked. The white-coats repulsed three assaults but when after 4 PM the French outflanked them, Vukassovich abandoned Dego and retired toward Spigno. For Bonaparte Vukassovich's action indicated the proximity of Beaulieu'a army, he immediately sent strong patrols to determine its location. The patrols had reported that the Austrians abandoned Voltri and are moving north and north-west.
Operations Against Colli and Beaulieu.
Bonaparte decided to turn against the other army, Colli's Italians. Colli put 6,500 of his 25,000 men into entrenched camp. The French under Général Amédée-Emmanuel-François de La Harpe attacked him but without result. After learning about Baron Josef Vukassovich's defeat at Dego, Colli gathered up 13,000 troops, left the camp and took a new strong position. The Austrian defeat and withdrawal, made a very bad impression on the Sardinians, and desertion rocketed. On 20 April Colli had only 10,000 men. Bonaparte arrived and reconnoitered Colli's position but in the night the Sardinians withdrew northwest. Bonaparte caught up with Colli east of Mondovi. Approx. 1,500 Sardinians and a heavy battery deployed on a steep hill covering a bridge. The French fixed them with heavy skirmishing and enveloped on the right and left. After some fighting they drove Colli to Mondovi. Rumors of French-Sardinian negotiations rejuvenated the Austrians, but Beaulieu halted his slow advance on learning that the French are already in Alba. The angry Austrians demanded posession of Alessandria fortress as pledge of Sardinian loyalty. King of Sardinia decided that his Austrian allies were as dangerous as the French, and he accepted Bonaparte's terms.
Bonaparte formed a special advance guard by detaching the grenadier and carabinier companies and forming them into provisional division. This division was strengthened with horse battery and 1,600 light cavalrymen. The French grenadiers captured a big ferry and surged across the Po River. On another side stood 2 squadrons of Hungarian hussars but they soon left and Fench engineers improvised a trail bridge and were fortifying a bridgehead on the north bank.
Battle of Lodi, 10th May 1796.
Beaulieu formed his rear guard of light cavalry and grenadiers under Sebottendorf.
At Zorlesco the French attacked them, "the Austrian grenadiers died hard, but quickly."
Their survivors poured into Lodi with the French hot on their heels. Bealieu had 10,000 white-coats at Lodi against 30,000 under Bonaparte.
Red-bearded Major Dupas shouted the men on, while Berthier seized a flag and went forward. The infantrymen rushed forward with outstretched bayonets. The French advanced with their hats down over their eyes, just as if advancing against a hailstorm. The Austrians' counter-attack was magnificent, and they pushed the French back toward the river. French cavalry regiment swam below Lodi and hit the Austrians left. Masséna's and Augereau's infantry poured through Lodi and joined the fight. The Austrians had enough and retired. Bonaparte lost 1,000-2,000 killed and wounded, Beaulieu had 2,000 casualties.
The Battle of Lodi solidified Bonaparte's personal relationship with his troops, who admired him for his courage and willingness to face the same dangers as common soldiers. Adda River near Lodi. (ext.link) French cavalry attempted to ford the river somewhere in the area on the right of the picture.
Chief-of-Staff General Berthier
Bonaparte's instinct for war had met every challenge !"
Meanwhile French infantry slipped through the British fleet and raised Corsica in revolt against the British forces. (In 1794 British warships were sent to Corsica by King George III to help the Corsicans rid the island of the French and to establish a secure base for the British who had been kicked out of Toulon). Beaulieu hastily retired toward the fortress of Mantua and took positions behind the Mincio River. In 4 days Bonaparte had hacked a bloody breach between Colli and Beaulieu, sending Beaulieu staggering northward to regroup. Then, wheeling westward, in 14 days more he had crushed General Colli and his Sardinians.
On 24th May an insurection exploded around Milan and Pavia, sparked by French greed. A whirlwind march of Bonaparte's troops ended with Pavia stormed and pillaged. Terrified by the successes of the godless French, Naples requested armistice and the Pope swiftly made territorial concessions, and also yielded 34 million francs in treasure. Bonaparte's troops also seized Leghorn on Italian coast, which the English had appropriated as a naval base and commercial port. The French occupied Leghorn with 2,500 infantry. The French infantrymen slipped through the British fleet and raised Corsica in revolt against the British forces.
According to David Gibson "Italy was a secondary theater, locked in a defensive strategy at the time Napoleon assumed command.
According to American historians Vincent Esposito and John Elting, Bonaparte's Italian campaign revolutionized the prevaling deliberate, chessboard concepts of the art of war. Luck not favored Bonaparte, the weather had clogged his operations, and the carelessness of his generals and poor supplies invited disaster. Bonaparte's instinct for war had met every challenge !"
Within next months Bonaparte had defeated 7 armies. It was astounding success. Very quickly he became the idol of all Frenchmen and half of Europe. His reputation and fame had spread like a wildfire, from England to Russia, and from Germany to Italy.
Sources and Links
Esposito, Elting - "A Military History and Atlas of the Napoleonic Wars"
David Chandler - "The Campaigns of Napoleon"
Wilkinson, Spenser - "The French army before Napoleon; lectures delivered before the University of Oxford ..."
Bonaparte Family.
Battle of Lodi.
Second Battle of Dego.
First Battle of Dego.
Piedmontese army.
Travel to Piedmont.