1. Introduction: from Elba to Paris.
- - - Napoleon returns. >
- - - "I will fix Bonaparte !" >
- - - Napoleon enters Paris. >
- - - Map: France's resources "were stretched pathetically thinly." >
2. The Hundreds Days
- - - "We are too strong to be attacked here." >
- - - The French stormed the Charleroi bridge. >
- - - General Bourmont deserted to the Allies. "A cur is always a cur." >
- - - Battle of Gilly. >
- - - The Nassauers. >
3. Two Battles: Quatre Bras & Ligny.
4. Battle of Waterloo / La Belle Alliance
- - - In the morning.
- - - - - - Breakfast. >
- - - - - - Emperor's orders to Grouchy and Soult. >
- - - - - - "They are Prussians, aren't they ?" "Yes, sire." >
- - - Beginning of the battle and the attack on Hougoumont.
- - - - - - Hougoumont and its defenders. >
- - - - - - The first French attacks on Hougoumont. >
- - - - - - Artillery duel. >
- - - - - - The gates of chateau. >
- - - - - - French howitzers set the buildings alight. >
- - - - - - Skirmish fire and artillery bombardement continued
- - - - - - to the last minutes of the battle. >
- - - Attack of Erlon's infantry columns.
- - - - - - Quiot's brigade vs Kempt's brigade. >
- - - - - - Donzelot's division vs Bijlandt's brigade. >
- - - - - - Grenier's brigade vs Pack's brigade. >
- - - - - - Attacks on Papelotte Farm. >
- - - - - - Map. >
- - - Cavalry charges.
- - - - - - The charge of Allied cavalry. >
- - - - - - Erlon's corps after the charge. >
- - - - - - The French lancers and cuirassiers fell on the
- - - - - - British dragoons and did terrible execution. >
- - - - - - The charges of French cavalry against Allies squares. >
- - - The French captured La Haye Sainte.
- - - - - - The Green Rascals. >
- - - - - - The first French attack on La Haye Sainte. >
- - - - - - "On this spot 17 Frenchmen already lay dead, and their bodies
- - - - - - served as a protection to those who pressed after them..." >
- - - - - - The gate was battered down with axes, the wall was scaled
- - - - - - and the French bursted into the farmyard. >
- - - - - - The French inside the farm. >
- - - - - - The French tirailleurs and artillery pushed beyond La Haye Sainte. >
- - - Napoleon's Guard Infantry at Waterloo.
- - - The Prussian army at Waterloo.
- - - - - - Map. >
- - - - - - Between 4:00 and 4:30 pm Bulow's corps fell upon Napoleon's exposed flank. >
- - - - - - The fighting in Plancenoit was of a particularly merciless nature. >
- - - - - - Ziethen linked up with Wellington. >
- - - - - - Blucher was no fool. >
- - - The French army disintegrated. The Prussian pursuit.
- - - Casualties at Waterloo.
5. The race to Paris.
In 1815 France no longer was the almighty Empire of 1805-1812.
After Napoleon's triumphant arrival in Paris, the Allies
undertook to provide over 850,000 men between them.
According to David Chandler France's resources (250,000)
"were stretched pathetically thinly."
The Hundreds Days Campaign.
"Napoleon still had time to decide on his method - offensive or defensive - in selecting his terrain for a national war.
He would personally have preferred a national war, but the French Chamber of Representatives, the liberals, the ideologists,
the 'Constitutionalists' and La Fayette had began to have misgivings: rulded by politics the sovereign
had to impose silence on the war leader. Occupied with enemies inside and outside France, he had first
to vanquish the latter in order to win over the former. ...
"We are too strong to be attacked here." - Wellington. Grouchy's cavalry was ready to reconnoitre the army's road to Charleroi. The Prussian cavalry outposts were on the alert. The Britissh had known that the French troops were gathering between Avesnes and Philippeville; but they were reluctant to believe the reports. "We are too strong to be attacked here," Wellington proclaimed. "Bonaparte will not attack us," predicted Blucher. Wellington and Blucher had booked full diaries of social activities. Wellington was planning to attend cricket match and gala ball at the Duchess of Richmond. The French army was to march towards the Sambre, the route stages were long, and the terrain was difficult, wooded. The heat was overpowering. Four army corps, cavalry, and the guard, had at their disposal only one bridge and three equipment bridges. A French deserter informed the Allies that the attack was planned for the following day. On 15th June the French army - except for the III Army Corps under Vandamme - started early. But the III Corps was still asleep when the VI Corps, which should have been following it, rushed into its bivouacs. Vandamme had received no marching orders. It was alleged that the messenger bringing them had broken his leg. In the past, Marshal Berthier had sent orders in duplicate or triplicate by different messengers, but unfortunately, Berthier was dead, and the new chief-of-staff Marshal Soult was not made for staff work. Vandamme's III Corps was 3 hours behind schedule. The Guard cursed. Napoleon was not aware of this setback and crossed the frontier at Thy-le-Chateau.
The French advance guard discovered that the roads had been cut by trenches and barren with fallen trees to make them unusable. The night before the Prussian engineers and infantrymen were very busy. Domon's light cavalrymen were reconnoitring ahead of the French army and made contact with the Prussians. The French charged and cut down group of Prussian infantry dressed in white Saxon uniforms and with French shakos on their heads. To Domon's surprise no cavalry had been encountered. The sun swept the mist away, it was going to be hot. Charleroi was fortified. The bridge was 8 m wide, protected by a palisade, barricaded and defended in front and in the rear. Beyond it a street climbed towards the upper town, which was built in the shape of an amphitheatre on a hill. The slopes were cluttered with houses and gardens. Two battalions of Prussian 6th Infantry occupied the city and General Ziethen had established his headquarters there that morning. The Prussian commander was forewarned of the French attack by his outposts. At noon the French light infantry overthrew the Prussian battalion that was defending the bridge. The Guard Sappers and Guard Marines then cleared the bridge and threw the barricades into the river. Napoleon arrived and immediately launched Pajol's hussars. The Prussians halted them with grape shot. The Guard Sappers and Marines went on, followed by the Young Guard infantry. The enemy was in full retreat and the French cavalry moved after them. The Young Guard, Guard Sappers and Guard Marines occupied the houses in the suburbs of Charlerois to organize the defense in case the Prussians should attack.
Several infantry divisions and some artillery arrived and were crossing the bridge and the frontier. Exelmans's dragoons had also crossed the Sambre River. Pajol's light cavalry was a little bit late due to the foundering of a large number of their horses. The 1st Hussars was exhausted. Napoleon ordered several troops to cross the frontier not at Charleroi, where there was heavy congestion, but at Le Chatelet. The roads were full of soldiers, horses, guns, caissons and supply wagons.
General Bourmont deserted to the Allies.
The commander of the 14th Infantry Division of IV Corps, General Bourmont, deserted with his staff, thereby dishonoring his name.
There followed great disturbance among the soldiers and officers and some time was wasted to restore order.
General Gerard finally managed to reassure the troops, who spat out the name of the traitor between
an oath and a curse and wanted only to advance against the enemy.
Napoleon soon learned about Bourmont. Jardin Ainé (the elder) writes: "During the night various officers of the staff kept coming and going to give Napoleon accounts of the movements made by the different army corps. From their investigations they reported to him that General Bourmont had joined the enemy. Napoleon considered it necessary to make fresh plans, being pretty sure that this General from his treachery would give the enemy an exact account of the position of the French army."
Marshal Grouchy took Pajol's light cavalry and Exelmans' dragoons and arrived at Gilly where
stood Prussian brigade under Pirch-II (of Ziethen's Corps). The village consisted of long row of houses.
Pirch-II put 4 battalions in and around the village. Marshal Grouchy was up with the leading French cavalry, and personally reconnoitered Prussian position, before returning to Charleroi for further orders. Napoleon himself then rode to Gilly and drew up his troops for the assault. He called on Vandamme to speed up his march towards Gilly and the Guard to support Grouchy. Vandamme's infantry was to storm the village while Exelmans' dragoons were to attack the enemey on his right flank. At 5:15 PM Pirch-II sent Ziethen an information about the French advance. At 5 PM, after 40 km march in intense heat, arrived Vandamme's exhausted III Corps. Until then there was not much going on. There were only skirmishes and the guns fired few shots. In the skirmish Major von Quadt had a horse shot under him by French infantryman. At 6 PM two French batteries opened fire and three infantry columns advanced in echelon by the right. The center column marched straight on Gilly. Four dragoon regiments moved in support: two against Prussians' flank and two along the cobbled road until they were halted by the barricade. Pirch-II received an order from Ziethen to withdraw, which he then tried to carry out. The Prussian artillery ceased fire and left the battlefield under the cover of light troops. Dissapointed Napoleon sent Pajol's and Letort's cavalry in pursuit. The F/6th Infantry under Major von Haine covered the Prussian withdrawal. Another battalion of light infantry, the F/28th Infantry was nearby. Both units were formed in squares 500 paces from the wood called de Tricheheve. The French cavalry was without horse artillery. Major Heine spoke to his men, he called on them to remain calm and finished with the words: "No man is to fire unless I give the order."
Meanwhile the French attacked the F/28th and broke it. The French Guard Dragoons and part
of 15th Dragoons cut to pieces the enemy in full view of von Haine's men. A number of men
from the broken square sought refuge in the square formed by the F/6th Infantry.
There is a graphic description of these charges in the regimental history of the 6th Infantry:
The regimental history of the 28th Infantry (a former Berg regiment) described what happened: "Although several cavalrymen managed to break into the square, they were all bayoneted. Even after such a show of resistance, the enemy tried to persuade the troops to change sides. General Letort, commander of the French Guard Dragoons, recognised the Fusiliers by their Berg uniform. He thought that, since the hopelessness of their position would be obvious to them, their loyalty might waver. he rode up and demanded they desert the Prussian army. A shot rang out and Letort fell dead from his saddle. Fusilier Kaufmann of the 12th Company had leapt out of the square and given the enemy general his answer, in powder and lead. The battalion continued to withdraw but just before it reached the wood, the enemy cavalry approached again. The 10th Company faced front while the others continued their movement. At this critical moment, the full force of the enemy cavalry charge it home."
It was not the duty of the rear guard to be annihilated, but to give ground as slowly as possible. The Prussians had stopped the enemy for several hours, until Napoleon had had to deal with them, and then they quickly fell back. But it is always difficult to try to withdraw in the face of more numerous enemy. Pajol's cavalry pursued the Prussians as far as Lambusart. The 1st West Prussian Dragoons countercharged and halted the French for a short while. Napoleon ordered Grouchy to take Pajol's and Exalmans' cavalry and march towards Fleurus. Ziethen sent von Roeder's three cavalry regiments and horse battery in support of the hard-pressed Pirch-II's brigade. They charged several times and halted the spearheading French cavalry units. Near Gosselies the French 1st Hussars met the Prussian 6th Uhlans and 24th Infantry. The uhlans attacked and drove the hussars back in disorder, only to be attacked in turn by French lancers of Pire's division. Heinrich Niemann of the 6th Uhlans wrote: "By command of Gen. Ziethen we engaged the French; but it was nothing more than a feint; they retreated before us." Pirch-II's brigade was able to break off and reached Ligny before midnight.
Ney wrote to Napoleon: "The troops that we found at Frasnes had not been fighting at Gossieles ... Tomorrow, at daybreak, I will send out a reconnaissance party to Quatre-Bras which will, if possible, occupy this position, because I believe the Nassau troops have gone ..." Prince Bernard wrote to General Perponcher: "At about 6:30 PM the French attacked the forward posts at Frasnes with infantry and artillery, the Nassau battalion and the battery there withdrew half way to Quatre-Bras."
It was a hot night.
In Charleroi however there was a massive pile-up of vehicles and such disorder
near the bridge that Radet's Gendarmes were unable to overcome.
Two Battles: Ligny and Quatre Bras. Grouchy's cavalry signalled at 5 AM that the Prussian were leaving Fleurus and moving in the direction of Ligny, Brye and Point-du-Jour. This information was confirmed at 6 AM. Napoleon pondered, hesitated, called his ADC Flahaut and at 9 AM dictated to him order for Marshal Ney. Marshal Grouchy would screen the Emperor's march on the Belgian capital against Prussian attacks. The state entry was already prepared. Lachoque writes: "In the wagon train the Emperor's robes were ready, with the gold and the proclamations addressed to the Belgian people and to the inhabitants of the right bank of the Rhine River. They awaited only a date and a signature." Napoleon ordered Lobau's VI Army Corps to stay near Charleroi until further orders (this was not mentioned in the letters to Ney and Grouchy). Blucher was on horseback since daybreak. He mounted his horse and rode towards the Brye windmill, where he was loudly acclaimed by Ziethen's infantrymen. There were no news from Wellington. Lachoque writes: "Wellington was still asleep, and his reserve troops were in disorder. Only General Picton ... had left at 4 AM with the brigades of Kempt and Pack ... The Nassau battalions moved off at 9 AM. ... Wellington rose at 5 AM, breakfasted with von Dornberg, mounted his horse at 8 AM and ... set off towards Genappe." The heat was stifling. Grouchy with cavalry decided to wait for Gerard's IV Army Corps before moving against the Prussians. Lachouque: "Nothing could be seen through the motionless fields of rye drooping in the heat, apart from a handful of Prussian troopers emerging from a fold in the terrain behind a mound called the 'Tomb of Ligny.' ... Napoleon ordered the sappers to build an observation post - a circular gallery around the windmill - and, map in hand, began to survey the scene to check the information supplied by the surveyor Simon."
As it was intention of the commanders of the Allied armies in Belgium to unite their armies to fight a decisive battle against Napoleon, the combats of 16th June should be regarded as part of a single battle. According to Peter Hofschroer the Allied failure to accomplish this concentration resulted in Prussian army suffering a defeat, and in Wellington's army, which held its ground against Ney at Quatre Bras, being forced to retire as a result of that defeat. Despite having made several promisses to the contrary, Wellington only managed to bring part of his army into action on 16th June. To achieve the desired concentration of the two armies, both Blucher and Wellington would have to pull back and select another position. This they accomplished two days later at Mont St. Jean, near Waterloo.
Battle of Waterloo, 1815.
Many of the French accounts in an attempt to preserve the myth of Napoleonic infallibility,
put the blame upon Ney and Grouchy and shed warm light on the Emperor.
The British accounts have tended to magnify out of all proportion the accomplishments of
the very modest numbers of British soldiers.
In the morning.
Officer Martin of the French 45th Line Infantry (Marcognet's division) writes: "This was the first bivouac in the campaign. One could scarcely sleep on account of water, but there was plenty of talk about the operations. Everyone was the general and no one listened to anything, which gave rise to amusing conversations. Each bivouac fire was transformed into a political office. But this did not prevent wood from being flung on the fire, and the pot was kept boiling."
Poor work by Marshal Soult's staff resulted in chaos on the roads, and with almost no foods for the troopers. Hunger drove the soldiers of Old and Young Guard to go marauding and the Old Guard grumbled that it all smacked of treason. In the night (2 AM) Napoleon received despatched from Marshal Grouchy that the Prussians were withdrawing either to Wavre or Perwes. Grouchy was having them followed and Napoleon was satisfied, he wrote: "The victory at Ligny is of the utmost importance; the elite of the Prussian army has been crushed, the morale of that army will suffer the shock of it for a long time."
The sun rose at 4 am. Soult breakfasted with the Emperor, his brother Jerome, and Marshal Ney. After breakfast the table had been cleared and maps were spread on it. Ney claimed that Wellington's German-British-Nethrlands army was in retreat, while Soult expressed regreat about the remoteness of Grouchy's troops in view of its importance. General Reille passed information given to him by the waiter at the Genappe inn about "a concerted link-up between the British and the Prussians coming from Wavre." "Foolishness" retorted Napoleon " after a battle like the one at Ligny, the joining of the British and the Prussians is impossible."
Emperor's orders to Grouchy and Soult.
At 11 AM Napoleon dictated order to Soult:
"They are Prussians, aren't they ?"
The Emperor was growing impatient and he thought about the Prussians.
Meanwhile the Emperor directed his fieldglass to the east, it was impossible to make out
something glittering ... perhaps troops ? French ? Prussians ?
Napoleon sent his ADC, General Bertrand, toward the plateau between
Couture-Saint-German and La Chapelle-Robert.
Beginning of the battle and the attack on Hougoumont. Between 7 AM and 8:30 AM Wellington inspected the line from west to east, this included visiting Hougoumont and ordering reinforcements. (At 10 AM he visited Hougoumont the second time.)
At 9 AM Reille's II Army Corps passed in front of Le Caillou, followed by the Imperial Guard, and Kellermann's
Cavalry Corps. Then came a single division (Durutte's) of d'Erlon's I Army Corps.
The waterlogged state of the ground was hindering the movements of the cannons and howitzers.
Napoleon had ordered his troops to be in position at 9 AM, however, this was not to be. The supply trains only caught up with their troops late the previous night or early in the morning, adding to the delays. The soldiers had to search for something edible, causing the units further dispersed. According to Peter Hofschroer, at 9 AM Reille's II Corps reached the battlefield, a long way behind was the Imperial Guard, the cavalry, and Lobau's VI Corps. Durutte's division of de Erlon's I Corps reached the battlefield about midday. The delays were making up, in part, for the time Blucher's troops were losing on the muddy roads between Wavre and Lasne.
Hougoumont, originally called Gomont or Goumont, was a Chateau and farm lying about 5 km south of the village of Waterloo. At the time of the Battle of Waterloo, the Chateau was owned by the Chevalier de Louville. He lived in Nivelles and rent the Chateau to a farmer called Dumonceau. The Chateau building itself, however, remained unnoccupied.
The compound itself faced the Allies. There was a garden, whose walls extended eastward for approx. 200 yards, and beyond it was an orchard. It all, however, was known only to the Allied troops who were occupying the farm, all the French could see from their positions were trees and few buildings. At about 09.30 AM the 1st Battalion of Nassau was brought to Hougoumont. Its carabineer company took up positions inside the buildings to the south. The voltigeur company lined up with a Brunswick jäger company at the edge of the wood. The garden walls were defended by two companies, and the hedge of the orchard by one company. One company was held in reserve in the wood.
The I Battalion of 2nd Nassau Regiment (I/2 Nassau) was commanded by Major Busgen.
This is what he has to say: "The farm was in the shape of a long, closed rectangle. ...
On my arrival with the battalion, the farm and the garden were unoccupied.
A company of Brunswick Jagers stood on the furthest edge of the wood.
A battalion [sic] of English Guards ... was deployed partly behind the farm,
and partly in a sunken road behind the gardens mentioned ... From the measures of
defence already undertaken, it was clear that this position was already occupied.
According to British researcher Mark Adkin the myth that Hougoumont was defended solely
by the British Guards has arisen, not so much with serious students of the battle, but
through the more casual reader or visitor to the battlefield.
Great emphasis is placed in many accounts of the fight on the role played by the Guards.
This misunderstanding is certainly compounded, if not caused, by the numerous plaques
commemorating the actions of the Guards in Hougoumont. Five plaques are dedicated to the
Guards and two to the French.
Actually Wellington garrisoned all three farms, Hougoumont, La Haye Sainte and Papelotte.
in La Haye Sainte 400-500 Germans .
At 11 am Petters' Netherlands battery received order to move forward and take position on the plateau of Mont St.Jean. Petter wrote that his guns were "... standing opposite the farm named Hougoumont.... in front of us was the farm ... " (Erwin Muilwijk wrote that "In a recent book by Mark Adkin "Waterloo Companion", the battery is left standing in reserve for the entire battle, see map 16, page 274.") Petters' battery and British battery under Ramsay supported the defenders of Hougoumont. As soon as Petters' battery deployed the French fired on them and hit several caissons that exploded into the air. But they held their ground and remained firing until 7 o'clock in the evening before received order to pull back from the artillery line. They lost many train horses and the battery was almost unteamed.
Jerome sent another regiment into the wood. The two units were under GdB Bauduin who was on
horseback and urging his men forward. The Germans fired well-aimed shots and Bauduin fell from his horse.
He was killed almost at once. The Germans became frustrated by the rapidly growing number of French infantrymen
pouring into the wood. They ran short of ammunition and fell back to the buildings and the garden.
The French reached the 6-feet high wall protecting the garden. But the Germans were waiting for them, and together with the light companies of the British Foot Guards they repulsed the attackers. "The murderous fire coming from the buildings, the garden wall and orchard hedge halted the French." (- Major Busgen of the Nassauers) The French skirmishers fell back into the safety of the wood, where also stood their columns. Howitzer battery under Mjr. Bull (one of the few officers who wore a beard) opened fire and shells began to explode among the trees and above the heads of the French. The French abandoned the wood and the hedgerows at once. The Germans and the Foot Guards went forward and retook the lost ground.
Most of the British battalions were formed in column of companies (not a thin red line). It was a very deep formation with all 10 companies lined up one behind the other. It was easy to maneuver battalions so deployed and therefore ideal formation for waiting troops; but it certainly wasn't suitable for withstanding artillery bombardement. The cavalry also suffered from atyillery fire.
Sergeant Wheeler of the British 51st Light writes: "A shell now fell into the column
of the 15th Hussars and bursted. I saw a sword and scabbard fly out from the column ... grape and shells were dupping about like hell,
this was devilish annoying. As we could not see the enemy, although they
were giving us a pretty good sprinkling of musketry ..."
The fire of the French artillery also distracted the British gunners. Instead of targeting the French columns they got involved in counter-battery fire. Wellington had expressely forbade it but it was ignored. (Napoleon explained: "When gunners are under attack from an enemy battery, they can never be made to fire on massed infantry. It's natural cowardice, the violent instinct of self-preservation ...") During the artillery duel part of Reille's infantry remained stretched out on the ground in hollows and sunken lanes. The British and German infantry were also stretched out on the ground, beyond Hougoumont.
While Bauduin's two units stayed in the shelter of a sunken lane, Jerome sent forward two other regiments of his division. The freshmen were led by GdB Soye and they compelled the Germans and Brits to retreat to the buildings and the garden. "Towards one o'clock, the French renewed their attack, moving against the buildings and gardens in a great rush, attempting to climb the garden wall and to seize the orchard hedge. However, the skirmish fire from the garden wall chased them off and they were repelled at all points. In this attack, the enemy set lights to several stacks of hay and straw close to the farm, intending to set the buildings alight, but this was not successful." (- Mjr. Busgen)
The British and German infantrymen hidden behind garden walls opened fire. The French stood their ground and engaged the defenders in an intense firefight. The French hauled a cannon into the orchard. The guardsmen attempted to capture it but failed miserably. The musketry however was so fierce that the gunners withdrew the cannon to a more covered position. Despite being more exposed the French stubbornly held their ground and the exchange of musketry went on, more or less inconlusively. Meanwhile the Guards had brought an ammunition cart through the north gate (it was not barricaded). Bauduin's two regiments moved on the west side of Hougoumont. (After Bauduin's death Col. de Cubieres had taken command of the brigade.) Pressed by French skirmishers the British light troops were obliged to give ground. Bauduin's men descended into a sunken lane, and found themselves in front of the north gate. Col. de Cubieres was mounted and urging his skirmishers forward. His one arm was in a sling because of a wound he had suffered at Quatre Bras. Within a moment he was wounded again. Major Ramsay of Royal Horse Artillery was lost to a musket ball early on.
At the beginning of the savage melee that followed, the panicked Germans and Brits sought refuge in the buildings, leaving Legros' band masters of the field. A Frenchman armed with an ax chased a German officer, caught up with him at the door, and chopped off one of his hands. Meanwhile some guardsmen managed to close the gate. The French found themselves in a crossfire and were killed except a boy-drummer. Henri Lachouque writes: "In Hougoumont, the show of power developed into a battle. Jerome persisted; the soldiers would stop at nothing less than a struggle to death. Soye's brigade, called up in support, penetrated the woods; the battalion of the 1st Brigade - decimated by the Coldstream Guards taking cover behind the orchard walls - encircled the farm and the chateau in the west, and the 1st Light broke down the north gateway. There was slaughter in the courtyard, in the corridors of the chateau and in the chapel. The thatched buildings were set on fire; Jerome was wounded." Some French infantrymen attempted to climb over the walls but were shot by the defenders.
Wellington decided to alleviate the pressure on the defenders of Hougoumont, two battalions went down the slope in companies, one after the other, and attacked the enemy. The French surprised by the arrival of so numerous reinforcements withdrew and abandoned the orchard. Only a handful of men of the 1st Light, resisted the British and Germans to the last man.
"At Hougoumont, the struggle continued unabated. The British Guards light companies, the Brunswickers and one of du Plat's KGL battalions fought with two of Foy's regiments. ... A battery of French howitzers lobbed shells into the buildings, setting them alight. The chateau, the farmhouse, the stables and storehaouses all went up in flames. The British fell back into the chapel and the gardener's house from where they continued to fire on the French..." (Hofschroer - "1815 Waterloo Campaign - The German Victory" p 81)
The French grenadier companies led the assault, and they forced their way through a small side door into the upper courtyard. They even took several prisoners before the musket fire from the windows and walls drove them out. The Nassau battalion and British Guards battalion followed them and regained much of the lost ground. It was the last serious attack on Hougoumont.
Several sources claim that by the end of the day the entire French II Corps had been sucked into the struggle for Hougoumont - some 18,000 infantrymen. This is difficult to justify. The figure hinges on whether Bachelu's division was drawn in. It is clear that at least his leading brigade attempted to advance on Hougoumont from the south-east around mid-afternoon. These battalions had to advance 1000 m diagonally across the Allied front. They came under heavy artillery fire and the attack broke up without reaching H. For these reason this division has not been included in the number of French troops that actually assaulted Hougoumont. The French probably emplyed 5 bateries (34 guns) against Hougoumont. The Duke brought up to 9 batteries (48-54 guns) into action already within the first hour. Most sources state as a bald fact that 5.000 Frenchmen fell dead or wounded at Hougoumont but without justifying this number and not taking into account the heavy losses suffered during the retreat after battle.
"Historians have often stated, that the French attack against Hougoumont was a gigantic waste,
in which a small number of defenders kept engaged and eventually defeated an immensely superior enemy host.
However, from Napoleon's point of view, the offensive against the perimeter wall of the chateau represented only one aspect of a much broader maneuver, whose objective
was to drive in Wellington's entire right wing, and the duke, knowing what was at stake, responded in kind.
While the Hougoumont defenders never had, at any given moment, more than 2,000 muskets within the perimeter of the chateau, the total number of soldiers in all the battalions that were committed to this section was much higher.
... Reille's corps exerted pressure not only on the troops inside the perimeter of the chateau
but also on all the Allied infantry deployed in that sector, keeping them constantly engaged
until the very last phase of the battle.
Attack of d'Erlon's infantry columns. Napoleon was by Rossomme, his spyglass was in his hand and he often pointed it at various parts of the battlefield. During one of the surveys he seemed to catch a glimpse of sometning in the distance, something that hadn't been there before. Nevertheless, all uncertainty was soon dispelled, because a squadron from the 7th Hussars of Col. Marbot arrived bringing the Emperor a Prussian prisoner with a note addressed to Wellington. Napoleon ordered d'Erlon to attack Allies line. The French were going to come out and pound it right at the Allies defense and see if that defense was for real. They were going to punch it and punch it and punch it, and hit them in the mouth, and see what happens.
The soil was muddy, some gaiters came apart and many shoes were lost.
The marching soldiers flattened the fields of rye "whose crops "had stood almost as tall as a man." Riding at the front of the four divisions was Marshal Ney and General d’Erlon, with their staff. Actually there were not four divisional columns but only two. The two other were brigade-size formations. On the left one brigade of Allix/Quiot's division (General Allix was replaced by Quiot) attacked La Haye Sainte, while another brigade crossed the hedge and the road behind. Donzelot’s division almost reached the hedge, while Marcognet’s division was within 50 m of the crest. One brigade of Durutte’s division was far behind and climbing the slope while the other marched towards Papelotte. "When the line of French skirmishers, closely followed by the leading columns, approached the British batteries behind the sunken lane, a wave of panic began to spread among the artillerymen. Sir William Gomm, a member of Wellington's staff, saw 2 cannons being moved back in great haste at the enemy's approach, and he couldn't help noting that this withdrawal was carried out with 'considerable bustle'. But the majority of the guns were simply abandoned. The bulk of Allies infantry was deployed at least a 100 yards behind the Chemin d'Ohain and the thick, thorny hedge that lined it. The soldiers remained there, flat on their stomachs.
The French skirmishers stormed the sandpit and the mound behind it, forcing the British 95th Rifles "to abandon their position in great haste."
Meanwhile the French column kept advancing.
The strength of the brigade was approx. 1,800 bayonets in 4 battalions while Kempt's brigade
consisted of approx. 1,900 Scots and English also in 4 battalions. Kempt's men were deployed
not in their typical 2-rank deep formation but rather in the far more cautious 4-rank line,
because they feared an attack by cavalry.
The rest of the Rifle battalion, stationed in the sunken lane, ought to have held out longer but "when these troops saw Kincaid's unit falling back, they experienced a moment of panic..." The French 51st Line Regiment "had reached the hedge and overrun the abandoned guns, and with the British infantry finally in sight, the French were briskly maneuvering to change from column of attack to a deployment in line..." Before the Rifles fired a volley "Kincaid had time to see the advancing French quickly spreading out, 'cheered and encouraged by the gallantry of their officers...' Another officer of Kempt's brigade also remembered with admiration "the gallant manner the French officers led out their companies in deploying... When the French column appeared, the troops in the other battalions of Kempt's brigade rose to their feet and opened fire." The four French battalions struggled with fully deploying from columns into lines. GdB Aulard was killed and his "soldiers took shelter behind the hedge, each man responding as he might to the enemy fire... Kincaid realized that the ranks of his riflemen were growing dangerously thin..."
"Upon reaching the sunken lane, the troops of [French] 32nd Line Regiment found themselves in the midst of the enemy, who were retreating down the slope.... A little farther left, the Scottish troops of the 79th Regiment, the Cameron Highlanders, encountered such heavy fire that they chose to stop before reaching the hedge, content to respond with volleys of their own." The French seemed to have no intention of giving up, and Wellington himself, who wasn't far away from the struggle, noticed that after a while the Camerons 'seemed to have had more than they liked of it. The Highlanders fell back.
Bijlandt's brigade had five understrength battalions of Dutch-Belgian infantry. One battalion formed skirmish line (27th Dutch Jagers), another three were lining the hedge, and only one battalion was held in reserve. The Dutch and Belgian infantry were formed on 2 ranks. Bijlandt's brigade covered almost the entire front that was about to receive French attack, "the rest of the first line, on Bijlandt's right, was held by only 400 men of the 95th Rifles ... and positioned on the high ground above the sandpit. As the Dutch and Belgians opened up with their muskets, the two British brigades (Kempt's and Pack's) on either side and 50 m to the rear of them began to change from battalion column of companies to line."
Bylandt's forces eventually gave way and retreated through British line. Ltn. Hope of British 92nd Foot writes: “… the Belgians, assailed with terrible fury, returned the fire of the enemy for some time with great spirit … then partially retired from the hedge.” Except one battalion the rest fell back but Mjr-Gen. Constant-Rebeque rallied them in the rear.
Major de Lacy Evans wrote: “Sir Denis Pack … ordered 4-deep [line] to be formed and closed in to the centre. The Regiment, which was then within about 20 yards of the column, fired a volley into tem. The enemy on reaching the hedge at the side of the road had ordered arms, and were in the act of shouldering them when they received the volley from the 92nd.”
"Like Kempt's, Pack's men had lain down at some distance from the sunken lane and remained
there for a long time, but then they had deployed in line, 4-rank deep ... and advanced to
one side of the hedge, while the French were approaching it from the other. Grenier's
infantry, with the 45th Line Regiment (ext.link) at
the head of the column, reached the hedge with their muskets still on their shoulders.
Having got through, they were crossing the lane when they realized that the enemy infantry
was deployed in their front.
The 42nd Black Watch advanced as far as the hedge, stopped short, and rounanced the idea of crashing through it. They were stopped and thrown back by the French fire. "... Pack, who was advancing in the midst of the following battalion, the 92nd Gordon Highlanders began to shout: "Ninety-Second, everything has given way on our right and left and you must charge this column."
Panic spread through the 92nd Gordon Highlander and the troop dissolved into a mob of howling runaways. From his chair on the heights of Rossomme, Napoleon could see nothing of this, except for the white smoke that enveloped the entire ridge. Around La Haye Sainte the smoke was not moving forward; there the King German Legion was putting up a stiff resistance. "But farther to the right, the combat had advanced beyond the sunken lane, and it was clear that the French had captured the crest of the ridge and were gradually pushing the enemy back." Napoleon mounted his horse and moved to the high ground at La Belle Alliance where he continued surveying the battlefield through his telescope. "Things seemed to be turning out as he had predicted. Almost everywhere, and more and more clearly as the eye swung from left to right, the smoke was advancing, a sign that the pressure being exerted by d'Erlon's troops was proving irresistible.... At two o'clock in the afternoon, along the Chemin d'Ohain between La Haye Sainte and Papelotte, the French were winning the battle fo Waterloo."
Papelotte was made of long, strong buildings. Along three sides of these buildings was a wall 3 m high around an orchard. In many places tall crops obstructed any attackers. The farm was surrounded by sunken roads and hedges. Colonel Best writes: "[The battle area] consisted of fields of planted corn, with hedges and bushes here and there. However, the columns of marching troops and their camps had trampled the lush cornfields flat. The heavy soil had been much softened by the heavy rainfall, and hindered the movements of the troops." Prince Bernhard screened his position with skirmishers, and in each farm were placed 1-2 companies. The rest of his brigade stood in reserve. At noon General Durutte sent forward his skirmishers and bombarded the farms with artillery. Napoleon sent him as reinforcement one battery of 12pdrs of the Guard Artillery. Colonel Best: "A detachment of French infantry, mainly light troops attacked our extreme left. It attempted to take possession of the hamlet of Smohain and the farms of Papelotte and La Haye, as well as the chateau of Fichermont. The brave Nassauers resisted with greatest determination. Several bodies of infantry deployed in line to carry out this attack, supported by a few guns, and with skirmishers in front." Half of Durutte's division attacked Papelotte. The French managed to capture some buildings. After 3 pm they renewed their attacks on Papelotte. The Nassauers counterattacked and forced the enemy out of the sunken road at bayonet point. French battery fired canister and threw the Nassauers back. The Prussians arrived later and thought the farm was in French hands. They mistook the uniforms of the Nassauers for French ones. The Prussian Schutzen (riflemen) and fusilier battalion advanced against the numerous French skirmishers. The French fought back. The fight continued until the French general withdrawal. The Prussian light cavalry followed up.
![]() Map.
Cavalry Charges.
Lord Uxbridge having come from inspecting the cavalry deployed behind Hougoumont, arrived on the high ground above La Haye Sainte. He saw French cuirassiers sabering Ross' gunners and ordered Somerset's Household Brigade to prepare to charge. Lord Uxbridge then rode to where Ponsonby's Union Brigade stood and ordered Ponsonby to prepare his heavy dragoons to charge. The cavalry had to descend the slope, ascend the opposite slope, and then get past the sunken road. They had to move through the Allied infantry and pass through the thorny bushes on the side of the road. Ponsonby's Union Brigade was thrown against front of the French formation. Bourgeouis' brigade was pushed back by the 1st Royals, the 6th Dragoons struck Donzelot's column, and the 2nd Dragoons (Scots Greys) moved against Marcognet's column. Ghigny's cavalry brigade followed Ponsonby's brigade. Vandeleur's cavalry brigade moved against the flank of the infantry. Lord Uxbridge in his hussar uniform, rode ahead of Somerset's Household Brigade.
The charge of Allied cavalry.
As they were pursuing the cuirassiers, the guardsmen came upon the flank of Aulard's
infantry brigade (Donzelot's column). The infantrymen was so surprised by the sudden appearance of cavalry that they broke and fled
without much resistance. Some soldiers however started firing at the backs of the guardsmen,
and here and there a rider was dragged from his horse and hauled away as a prisoner (incl. officer
Waymouth, officer Irby, etc.)
Many guardsmen continued charging down the slope with Lord Uxbridge at their head.
French infantry skirmishers stationed near La Haye Sainte opened fire on them.
Commanding officer of the 1st Life Guards fall dead, and the colonel of the King's Dragoon
Guards - crying oout to his men "On to Paris !" - was also killed.
Battalions of Schmit's infantry brigade formed squares near La Haye Sainte and repulsed
the guardsmen with musket volleys.
Meanwhile one or two squadrons of 3rd Hussar KGL led by Kerssenbruch made fine attacks on
two squadrons of cuirassiers. It was not long before two regiments of German cavalry
joined the fight. The French brought fresh cuirassiers and dragoons, overlapped the Germans on
both flanks and threw them back. The Germans lost officers Janssen, Bruggemann, Oehlkers and True.
Lord Uxbridge writes: "My impression is that the French were completely surprised by the first
cavalry attack. It (our cavalry) had been rather hidden by rising ground immediately before
ther position. I think the left wing of our infantry was partially retiring ..."
The British cavalrymen appeared out of the smoke, whirling their sabers above their heads.
"As we approached at a moderate pace the front and the flanks [of the infantry column]
began to turn their backs inwards; the rear of the columns had already begun to run away."
(- De Lacy Evans)
The Scots Greys bore down on Grenier's infantry brigade.
The leading battalion opened fire and seemed able to repulse the attack.
Captain Martin of French 45th Line writes: "Our soldiers didn't wait for the order to cross
it (the hollow road lined with hedges) ; they hurled themselves at it, jumping over the hedge and breaking ranks in order
to rush upon the enemy (the Highland infantry). Fatal recklessnes !
The Scots Greys then attacked the 21st Line that had time to form square.
The infantry emptied great many saddles with their well aimed volley.
Then however the French broke their ranks and surrendered to the Scots.
Many infantrymen who had thrown themselves on the ground or raised their hands started gathering up
their muskets and firing again. Captain Clark was attacked by a French soldier who pointed his musket at the
captain's head, and pulled the trigger; a sudden turn of the head saved Clark's life, but the musketball carried away the tip of his nose.
Durutte's division was also attacked by the Allied cavalry (several squadrons of Vandeleur's light dragoons,
and some Grey Scots). Here the infantry however had time to form squares and repulsed every
Erlon's corps after the charge.
According to some authors and witnesses d'Erlon's four divisions were "completely
destroyed", "smashed" by the British, German and Netherland cavalry. They were
"out of battle" or "all in captivity" etc.
The quotations below lead the reader to believe that Erlon’s corps suffered horrendous
losses to the cavalry, their morale was gone and they were surrendering by thousands.
Erlon’s corps suffered heavy casualties, there is no doubt about it.
De Erlon’s corps was able to rally after the cavalry charge and resumed attacks on all
three farms: Papelotte and Frichermont and La Haye Sainte, just in front of Wellington's nose.
Out of the three farms two were taken.
However the deafeat suffered by Erlon's corps limited Napoleon's posibilities.
He could no longer consider maneuvering against the Allies' left wing.
The French captured La Haye Sainte.
Wellington had amassed his troops in huge numbers behind Hougoumont that the French were never able to cut off the garrison from the bulk of the army and all reinforcements and ammunition carts continued to enter the farmyard through the north gate. By contrast, behind La Haye Sainte, Wellington's line was thin and under heavy fire from the French Grand Battery. There is some evidence to suggest that Napoleon insited the farm must be taken at any cost. The French infantry and cavalry brought the garrison of La Haye Sainte to the verge of isolation. The location of La Haye Sainte gave the farm huge tactical importance to both, Napoleon and the Allies. For Napoleon to capture it meant he had secured a springboard from which to launch a final attack on Allies' center. Unfortunately little had been done to prepare the strongly-built farm for the defence. Furthermore, an adequate supply of ammunition had not been secured.
![]() Plan of La Haye Sainte Farm. (based on picture from "Waterloo Companion") Major Baring with a single KGL light battalion was detached to defend La Haye Sainte. "... I was ordered, immediately on arriving there, to send off the pioneers of the battalion to Hougoumont, so that I did not have even an axe; for the unfortunate mule that carried our entrenching tools was lost the day before. As day broke on the 18th June, we tried by all possible means to put the place (La Haye Sainte) in a state of defence ..." - Major Baring of KGL
"The Green Rascals" (KGL).
The Les Coquins Verts (Green Rascals) were well trained and disciplined unit.
They were known for their excellence and their fighting ability.
It was one of the most battle-experience units at Waterloo.
Battle honors: Venta del Pozo.
Major Baring writes: "Some [French] skirmishers commenced the attack.
I made the men lie down, and forbade all firing until the enemy were quite near.
The first shot broke the bridle of my horse
close to my hand, and the second killed Major Bosewiel, who was standing near me.
The enemy did not skirmish for very long, but immediately advanced over the height, with two close columns,
one of which attacked the buildings, and the other threw itself en masse into the orchard,
showing the greatest contempt for our fire."
Baring and group of his soldiers went outside the farm and merged with the newcomers.
Suddenly from nowhere the French cuirassiers charged; instead of forming a square or retiring into the barn, the
infantrymen ran back towards the ridge whence they had come. Von Klencke was killed, some of his
men were slaughtered, others fled in panick towards allies line. Only few
managed to reach La Haye Sainte. The French tirailleurs followed the riflemen,
captured the small garden behind the farm and fired on those situated on the roof.
Baring writes: "Colonel von Klencke now came to my aid with the Luneburg battalion.
We immediately recommedned the attack, and he made the enemy give way, when I perceived a strong line of cuirassiers from in front of the orchard; at the same time Captain Meyer came to me and reported that the enemy had surrounded the rear garden, and
it was not possible to hold it anay longer.
I gave him orders to fall back into the buildings, and assist in their defence."
However after the repulse of d'Erlon's corps by British cavalry, the French abandoned
La Haye Sainte. Officer Graeme of KGL wrote: "A party of our men sallied out and pursued the crowd
[of retreating French infantrymen] a considerable way up towards La Belle Alliance."
After the first attack on La Haye Sainte only approx. 300 riflemen were still
in the ranks. Ompteda sent to La Haye Sainte reinforcements: 2 companies of I Light Btn.
and 1 company of V Line Btn.
The second attack began at about 3 PM.
Officer Graeme had his riflemen stationed on the roof of the 'piggery' when they
saw a single French cuirassier approaching at a trot along the main road. When he got
close, the cuirassier began waving his saber. The Germans thought he was a deserter and
Graeme ordered his men to hold their fire. The Frenchman rode up all the way to the
abatis that was blocking the road, raised himself in the stirrups as though trying to see
over it, then suddenly wheeled his big horse and galloped back. The riflemen opened
fire after him but the gallant cuirassier escaped their shots.
The French attack "followed in the same force as before; namely, from two sides by
two close columns, which, with the greatest rapidity, nearly surrounded us, and , despising
danger, fought with a degree of courage which I had never before witnessed in Frenchmen ...
[They threw] themselves against the walls, and endeavouring to wrest the arms from the hands
of my men through the loopholes; many lives were sacrificed to the defence of the doors and
gates; the most obstinate contest was carried on where the gate was wanting [the barn] ...
On this spot 17 Frenchmen already lay dead, and their bodies served as a protection to
those who pressed after them..." - Major Baring
Using the pile of corpses as protection, the tirailleurs kept firing
into the farmyard from behind it. Baring's horse was killed and his servant fled
in panick.
Two columns of French infantry, preceded by a chain of tirailleurs, advanced on both
sides of the farm. Mjr. Baring was astonished with the contempt the French showed for his
riflemen well-aimed fire. The French were quickly at the walls of the farm trying
to force their way inside.
A fight ensued around the loopholes of the farmyard.
The French grabbed the barrels of the German's rifles and tried to wrest them
out of their hands. When they gained control over one of the loopholes the French standing
on the outside the wall started firing into the yard, using the loaded muskets that his
comrades passed him, one after the other.
Private Lindau fired at French officer on horseback as he urged his men to attack.
The Frenchamn's horse was wounded and dragged down its master in the fall. The Germans ran
through the gate and attacked the French tirailleurs. Lindau was searching the pockets of
"his" officers when his comrades shouted to him: "Come on, leave that !
The cavalry's coming !"
The riflemen greeted the withdrawal of the enemy with howls of derision from the walls
and roofs of the farm. The British victory however was short lived, several squadrons of
cuirassiers counterattacked and the Guardsmen fled behind the ridge.
Meanwhile grand cavalry charges began and 20 German, 12 British and 4 Dutch/Belgian
battalions formed themselves in squares. The German riflemen opened fire at
the serried ranks of cuirassiers slowly riding past the farm.
Mjr. Baring wrote: "I could see all this going on, and I'm not afraid to admit that my heart sank more than once..."
Meanwhile Baring noted that his riflemen are runing short of ammunition and sent officer to
Ompteda asking for emergency delivery. The garrison of the farm was reinforced with Nassauers, it was the Light Company of II/1st
Nassau (they were dressed in green uniforms and were armed with muskets). The Nassauers brought several large camp kettles, these
were used to extinguish the fire in the barn.
The French brought two infantry regiments of Durutte's division and several howitzers.
The barn started burning and disappeared from the sight in a cloud of smoke, until
the riflemen using the kettles managed to put out the blaze. The French 13th Light Regiment
attacked the farm. The Nassauers were armed with muskets and had a lot of ammunition, but
the KGL riflemen were using up their last shots. Mjr. Baring sent another note again asking
for ammunition.
The French broke down the outer door of the passage through the stables. It was here
where both sides crossed bayonets. The attackers were pushed back but
the French climbed up onto the roof of the stables and fired down into the yard at the
Some wounded cried out in French Pardon ! begging for life but they were bayoneted.
With shouts Coquin ! the French fired after the fleeing Nassauers. Baring attempted to defend the small garden but quickly found it
untenable. His last men abandoned the farm sometime around 6.15 PM and sprinted up the slope.
The French caught up with some and killed. "... many of the men were overtaken by the enemy,
who vented their fury upon them in the lowest abuse..."
(- Major Baring, KGL).
The French were screaming at them, kicked and stripped of all they had before
they were turned over to cuirassiers and escorted to the rear.
The cuirassiers forced the prisoners to run, and when a man couldn't run fast enough,
"they killed him with a saber blow."
After 5 hours (with interruptions) of siege the French light infantry captured
La Haye Sainte. Major Baring was to receive no replenishment throughout the battle, despite
5 separate and desperate appeals !
One of French tirailleurs fired a shot at Wellington and the duke immediately rode away.
Another shot mortally wounded horse under Ltn. Cathcart.
The officer left the horse to die and run on foot.
General Alten and many allied officers lost their cool. Alten ordered Ompteda to
recapture the farm. Ompteda objected. Prince of Orange intervened, and curtly ordered
Ompteda to obey. The reluctant Ompteda finally ordered one of his squares to deploy into
line and advance against La Haye Sainte.
The battalion was slaughetered. The British brought up and fired rockets but without much effect. The British light dragoons charged but without much enthusiasm and result.
The cuirassiers were driven off only by Dornberg's cavalry (1st and 2nd KGL Light Dragoons).
The Belgian 5th Light Dragoons and 6th Dutch Hussars attacked the French batteries but without
Then the cavalry on both sides withdrew, with the cuirassiers halting their horses now and then to
stabb the wounded British and Germans on the ground.
After the farm fell into French hands, their artillery was brought forward.
British officer Mercer of Royal Artillery wrote: "The rapidity and precission of this fire
was quite appaling... Every shot almost took effect, and I certainly expected we should all
be annihilated. ... The saddle-bags, in many instances were torn from horses' backs ...
One shell I saw explode under the two finest wheel-horses in the troop down they dropped."
The German and British squares were exposed not only to artillery fire but also to musket
fire from the tirailleurs. The tirailleurs went down on one knee and kept up an uninterrupted musket fire. They even captured the knoll above the sandpit,
and "whilst laying down, appeared to shoot their objects with great precission" as wrote
one of British officers. The British 27th Regiment of Foot lost more than 2/3 of its men
from the artillery and skirmishers alone. Kincaid wrote "the 27th regiment were lying dead,
in square, a few yards behind us."
Kincaid's Rifles were worn out, "less from fatigue than anxiety."
Under the fire of French tirailleurs posted on the roofs of La Haye Sainte,
the 95th Rifles was forced to take quick refuge in the sunken lane.
According to Barbero "a great number of Wellington's generals and aides were killed or
wounded in this particular phase of battle, particularly in the area behind La Haye Sainte."
Prussian officer Muffling (attached to Wellington) wrote: "The Duke was most desirous of
our arrival and had repeatedly declared that this was the last moment, and if we did not arrive
soon, he would be compelled to retreat." But Ziethen's Prussians were moving toward the line
held by Pack's English and Scottish infantry and Best's Hannoverians.
Pack's men were so anxious that they opened fire on the Prussians. But the men recognized
each other and were shaking hands. The junction of two big armies had been accomplished.
Mameluke Ali arrived at Napoleon's headquarters and stopped long enough
to tell "It looks bad" and that the Prussians joined Wellington.
Then he put spurs to his horse and rode away.
Napoleon's Guard Infantry at Waterloo. The French Guard in 1815 was hastily assembled, lacked uniforms and quality weapons. Instead they wore shakos, hats, forage caps and woolen berets. The supplies were scarce and everything was performed in haste and confusion. The Guard artillery train lacked of military drivers so volunteer civil drivers were accepted as "3rd class" soldiers. There was less trust between the Guard and their commanders who abandoned their Emperor a year ago, this had shaken their faith in their leaders. There had been even defections among the officers of Middle and Young Guard whom Napoleon couldn't replace. The old camaraderie of the Guard was replaced by suspicion.
Less than 30 min. before the attack of Napoleon's Guard, a French deserter officer
of horse carabiniers rode up to British 52nd Foot yelling 'Vive le Roi !'
He met the British saying 'That scoundrel Napoleon is with his Guard over there. He will be
upon you shortly.'
Wellington had brought a number of units in from both flanks to support the troops facing Imperial Guard. Wellington was able to shorten his front line due to the arrival of Blucher's Prussians. It was Blucher's indirect contribution to the defeat of French Guard. The troops from the flank were Vivian's cavalry brigade, Vandeleur's cavalry brigade and other smaller units. Halkett's and Du Platt's brigades had come forward to support Hougoumont and flank the Imperial Guard. Chasse's division deployed behind British infantry between Hougoumont and La Haye Sainte.
Napoleon's Guard vs Blucher's troops.
When before the battle Prince Jerome mentioned about the possibility of Wellington and Blucher linking up,
Napoleon dismissed this as impossible. Napoleon: "After such a battle as Fleurus [Ligny],
the junction between the allies is impossible for at least 2 days; besides the Prussians
are pressed by Grouchy's troops ..."
Dark blue - French troops,
red - british troops,
dark orange - German and Netherland troops,
The Prussian army at Waterloo.
Up until now Wellington was on the back foot and would have been beaten without Blucher's army. In the second stage of the battle, the Duke said: "Give me Blücher or give me night" and this is enough to see clearly that he was actually saying "I'm about to get my butt kicked". To halt the Prussians Napoleon first dispatched Lobau's corps, and two cavalry divisions, and then part of his Imperial Guard. "Napoleon's force available for attacking his main enemy was instantly reduced by over 10.000 men. This meant that for the main battle, which had yet to begin in earnest, Napoleon had less men than Wellington ... If Plancenoit was lost, the battle was lost, if the battle was lost, so was the campaign and with it the Emperor's throne.... When the French finally took La Haye Sainte ... it opened up a small window of opportunity [for Napoleon] ... Ney saw it and demanded infantry to exploit it. They were not forthcoming, primarily because of the situation in Plancenoit.... He [Napoleon] had started the day with an infantry reserve of 36 infantry battalions ... Keeping Plancenoit cost him 25 of them... In the event only 8 battalions of fresh troops were committed to the last attack on Wellington's ridge, of these only 5 were in the front line." (- Adkin pp 381-2, 390-1)
"The French would have felt much less confident had they known that Prussian officers ... had been watching them
through their telescopes for several hours. Sometimes past midday, Mjr. von Falkenhausen, leadinga patrol of uhlans, went as far as
the main Brussels road south of La Belle Alliance, behind Napoleon's entire army ...
Farther north, General von Valentini, Bulow's chief of staff, together with few adjutants, entered Fichermont
and encountered a farmer, who was seized, set on an artillery horse, and made to accompany the
Prussians to the edge of the wood.
The French cavalry patrols were attacked and dispersed. Bulow then sent 2 battalions to link up with Wellington and protect his exposed flank. The Fus/18th and Fus/3rd Silesian Landwehr marched toward Frichermont, Smohain and Papelotte. The Prussian infantry met the Nassauers and ... opened fire. The Nassauers replied in kind and the musketry continued for 10 minutes before both sides realized their mistake. Peter Hofschroer writes: "This symbolic union of German soldier with German soldier marked the beginning of the end of the battle for Napoleon."
Charges by Domon's and Subervie's lancers and chasseurs slowed down the Prussian advance.
One of the lancer regiment was led by Col. Surd who previous day after the combat at Gennappe
had one arm amputated but insisted on maintaining command of his unit.
The French infantry tried to halt the Prussians with a very strong skirmish line but one of the Prussian battalions moved up and deployed, continually trying to force their way forward. Bulow writes: "The enemy disputed every foot of ground, but not with any great determination ... Six battalions of the 16th Brigade now came up to assault Plancenoit. They formed three attack columns next to each other, with 2 battalions of the 14th Brigade ... following up in support. Just as this brigade formed up behind the 16th, the 13th Brigade under Gen. von Hake arrived and moved up behind the 15th."
Plancenoit was a big village with a cobblestone street, a church built of stone and a walled cemetary. All inhabitants fled their houses yesterday. Lobau sent four battalions to occupy the village. Hiller's first attack on the village was made with 6 battalions (the remaining battalions were detached.).
The French counterattacked throwing Hiller's 16th Brigade out of the village. The brigade rallied under the protection of Ryssel's 14th Brigade. Meanwhile Blucher received news from Thielemann that Wavre is under attack by Grouchy's troops. Once again Hiller's 16th Brigade attacked Plancenoit. They were supported by Ryssel's 14th Brigade. The French counterattacked and threw the enemy out of the village. Young Guard had got into Plancenoit and took up positions in the houses and behind the churchyard walls. They were supported by one or two battalions of the Old Guard. The 16th Brigade advanced up the churchyard and forced the French to withdraw. The French rallied and immediately counterattacked. Both sides suffered very heavy casualties. The French skirmishers cleared the streets and tried to break out of Plancenoit but the Prussian hussars chased them back. The decisive attack was made by 14th and 16th Brigade, and the 5th Brigade that had just reached the battlefield. The French resisted with great determination before the Young Guard was again ejected from Plancenoit.
The leading elements of Ziethen's corps joined Wellington's troops on the left flank. Mjr. von Gillhausen of Prussian landwehr writes: "Here we linked up with a Hanoverian and a Scottish battalion." Harkot: "The wavering English mistook the Prussian detachment for the enemy and fired. As the Prussians did not reply, they soon noticed their error." Several Prussian batteries opened fire. Captain Borowski of 2nd Horse Battery writes: "As the smoke from the firing was so dense, I could only make out a few positions, and could not see the enemy columns. At this moment, the English infantry was forced back somewhat and I was ordered to occupy a ridge to the right." Wellington had gained invaluable time to reinforce the weakened parts of his centre by moving in troops from his right and others freed from his left by the arrival of Ziethen's force. Just as the French Middle Guard was being repulsed by the British, German and Netherland troops, Ziethen's advance was breaking through the French line. The Nassauers joined the advance. The French infantry fell back without much fight.
Some authors ridicule Blucher, describing him as "rashing fool", "idiot", "very poor general" etc. Blucher was aware of his limitations, and freely admitted his need for the expert assistance of his chief-of-staff General Gneisenau to keep him along the right strategic lines. Gneiseanu believed Wellington failed to march to the Prussian assistance at Ligny and was in favour of retreating towards the Rhine River, leaving Wellington to his own devices. Blucher thought otherwise. Blücher was in no afraid of Napoleon. He was a tough, stuborn old sod who refused to give in, when many others would have rolled over. Two years earlier, in 1813, Blücher defeated the French at Katzbach and defeated Napoleon in 1814 at La Rothiere. Unlike Wellington, Blucher faced Napoleon in battle several times and enjoyed some notable successes (Leipzig, La Rothiere, Laon).
The French army disintegrated. Prussian pursuit.
Near Genappe the two squares of Old Guard came together and were formed in long columns by sections. The Prussians watchfully followed them without much bothering. The 1er Grenadiers marched through byroads, guided by the natives, and reached Fleurus at dawn. The French fugitives were pursued mainly by the Prussian light cavalry. General Gneissenau placed himself at the head of Prussian advance guard and urged his exhausted soldiers all night long. Immediately after Napoleon left Le Caillou the Prussians arrived and set fire to the farm and its adjacent barns, burning alive all wounded Frenchmen who had been brought into these buildings. Mjr. Keller of Prussian 15th Infantry took possesion of Napoleon's sword, medals, hat and purse of diamonds. Near Rossomme Ltn. Jackson of Wellington's staff saw a large group of Prussian infantrymen bayoneting wounded French soldiers to death. He was genuinely afraid that they were going to kill him. Napoleon's surgeon Dr. Larrey was struck down by Prussian uhlan. The uhlan robbed him, tied his hands behind his back, and brought to the Prussians.
Napoleon, when asked on St.Helena about the two Allied commanders, replied: "Ah ! Wellington ought to light a fine candle to old Blucher. Without him, I don't know where His Grace, as they call him, would be; but as for me, I certainly wouldn't be here." Wellington and Blucher decided that the Prussians alone would continue the pursuit. This decision is usually explained by citing the exhausted condition of Wellington's infantry, but Blucher's were surely no less tired. More likely the choice reflected the plodding management and slowness of movement that characterized British troops.
"The veteran and illustrious Blucher was foremost in the pursuit. Various commands were
deputed to different officers, so that no retreat should be left for the convenient escape
of the enemy. Among these was a small corps ... under the direction of Major von Keller; this excellent and able officer, in pursuance of his instructions
arrived at the town of Genappe, at 11 o'clock at night on the 18th of June.
The town was blocked up and barricaded to prevent the intrusion of the pursuing victors;
it was also filled with French soldiers, who maintained a constant firing of artillery and musketry against the
On 19 June Blucher sent off three corps in pursuit of the French main army under Napoleon and Grouchy's force. They moved off at daybreak marching until evening. Ziethen's I Army Corps reached Charleroi. Wellington's troops followed up slowly and bivouacked around Nivelles. Wellington himself had gone to Brussels.
Though Blucher had taken many stragglers prisoner during the 19th, he had no precise information on the whereabouts of the French army.
Blucher wrote to Muffling: "I beseech Your Excellency to do everything possible to ensure that the
English army moves to Mons or Binche tomorrow, for we have to move quickly now to take full advantage of the terror of the lost battle."
Casualties at Waterloo.
The casualties (killed and wounded in combat) on the day of battle were surprisingly balanced:
Napoleon 25,000, Wellington & Blucher 24,000.
The English authors propose much higher numbers for the French dead and wounded,
arguing that the casualties suffered by Napoleon must have been vastly superior to those of
the British; however, the available data, which relate to the officers, would lead lead one
to question this argument. In battle a total of 207 French officers died or went missing,
and another 66 died later as a consequence of their wounds.
There are known at least names of three troopers who captured the Allies Colors: During battle the captured colors were brought to and deposited in the farm of Le Caillou, farmhouse Napoleon had been using for his headquarters. Unfortunately during the retreat after battle the trophies were left there. There were hundreds Allies prisoners, incl. officers. Lieutenant Waymouth of the British 2nd Life Guards received a saber blow from a cuirassier, was dragged from his horse and hauled away as a prisoner. He remained a prisoner in enemy hands for several weeks after Waterloo. Captain Irby of the 2nd Life Guards was captured and taken away. There were also hundreds of Hannoverian, Brunswick, Scottish and English infantrymen in French captivity. Some were rescued in the end of battle and some were not. Amost certainly some of the prisoners were in fact massacred in cold blood. For example Napoleon's aide-de-camp Gourgaud was escorting a British heavy dragoon to the rear when an infantry NCO stepped out of formation, struck the big man down with the butt of his musket, and killed him with bayonet thrusts before Gourgaud had time to stop him. It sounds almost unbelievable that during the pursuit, the Prussians failed to capture even single French Color, a sign that, Napoleon's army did not in fact disintegrate as much as some British and Prussian sources claimed. But the casualties were very heavy: 25.000 killed, wounded and prisoners and 15.000 who deserted the ranks during pursuit and simply went home. Most of the British, German and Netherland deserters returned to the ranks after the battle was over. After Waterloo, at the Vienna Congress, Prussia and Russia proposed to partition France, while Austria and Britain strove for and pushed through a lenient treatment of France.
The race to Paris.
Wellington took a different approach. The Duke wrote "As the army is about to enter the French territory, the troops of the nations which are at present under the command of Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington, are desired to recollect that their respective Sovereigns are the Allies of His Majesty the King of France, and that France ought, therefore, to be treated as a friendly country."
Wellington's army entered France on 21 June.
While Wellington's troops were to march through what they were told to regard
as friendly territory, Blucher intended to blaze a trail of destruction all the way
to Paris !
Napoleon's abdication had been announced to the French army on 23 June. This led to tremendous decline in morale. On 24 June approx. 1,000 guardsmen left for Paris, saying they could serve Napoleon better there. Then Soult left for Paris, taking his entire staff with him. Grouchy complained bitterly and frustrated tendered his resignation. On 24 June Wellington's 4th Division bombarded Cambrai. While the redcoats scaled the walls, royalist symphathisers attacked the garrison from within. The commandant of the garrison surrendered on 25 June. The Allies took 150 prisoners and few guns. On 25 June Wellington's advance guard, Vivian's Cavalry Brigade, reached Gricourt. Dr.Drude, a surgeon attached to the Brunswick jagers, wrote: "On 25 June, we marched very slowly with the English army, reaching our bivouacs in Marets at 12 o'clock that night." On 26 June the French commandant of Peronne was forced by the royalist population and British brigade with Netherland battery to capitulate. Grouchy did not want his troops to mix with the broken remnants of Napoleon's army, now led by Marshal Soult. This might have been detrimental to the discipline of his troops. Soult, now leaning in the royalist direction, resigned as Napoleon's chief-of-staff. Davout suggested Grouchy for the position, but he declined. However, he did take over supreme command of the army for the moment. Lacking leadership, large numbers of the men were deserting from the army. On arrival in Laon there were only 25,000 men with 30 guns. Two fresh batteries of the Young Guard arrived. There were also few thousands of dragoons, cuirassiers and horse gunners.
On June 30th the Prussians met strong French force near Aubervilliers. The Prussians were halted by canal and French artillery drawn up beyond it. Several troops of French Young Guard were rushed to la Villette and were now commanded by Davout in person along with his whole staff. The Prussian and French skirmishers fired on each other all afternoon. With the support of cavalry the Prussians gained some ground before being thrown back. Although Ziethen received Blucher's orders before midnight, he was concerned about making a night attack on the villages of Pantin and la Villette.
Blucher's army executed their move around the west of Paris to its relatively undefended south where they planned to enter the city. Thurn und Taxis wrote: "It is probable that the French did not anticipate this very bold move in which we gave up our basis of operations." Wellington's army relieved the Prussians on the northern front of Paris on 2nd July. Three British light companies moved to Aubervilliers and under fire from French skirmishers relieved the Prussian outposts. Local armistice however broke the fighting (mostly long range musket fire). Dr. Drude wrote: "Almost everywhere was deserted and had been plundered by both the Prussians and the English ... Around noon, we heard firing coming from Montmartre to the west, where the Prussians were having an encounter with the French." Once Prussian pioneers had completed the bridges at Argenteuil and Chatou using British pontoons, detachments were sent to Villeneuve and Suresnes. Thus the communications between Blucher and Wellington were established. Factions within the French ruling circles made overtures towards the Allies, hoping to attain a ceasefire. Blucher rejected their requests. The French also approached Wellington from whom they received a more favourable hearing. When the men of the French 1er Chasseurs heard the news of negotiations they stormed emissary's carriage accusing him of treason.
Not surprisingly, Davout replied only to Wellington. Blucher did not intend to agree to a cease-fire until his troops had entered Paris.
The Prussians regarded entering Paris as a matter of honor.
Wellington was astute enough to attempt to turn this situation to his advantage.
Blucher may have beaten him to the gates of Paris, but he had the best contacts in
Paris and if he were to agree a cease-fire now, he would be pulling the rug from underneath
Blucher's feet.
At 7 AM the French artillery ceased fire. General Revest offering the surrender of Paris,
requested a cease-fire. The French troops marched out of Paris between 5th and 11th July.
Meanwhile Marshal Massena maintained order in the city.
Wellington wrote to Blucher expressing his concerns as to Blucher's wish to billet the Prussian troops on the inhabitants of the city. Wellington's objections included: the unsuitability of the housing, the linguistic differences, and the sensitive nature of the Parisians.
Wellington suggested that, because the low pay of the Prussian officers and soldiers meant they could not afford Paris prices, they should instead draw their supplies from the magazines.
This would of course not be necessary for the British troops as they enjoyed much higher pay.
Blucher however disagreed, the French billeted their troops in every Prussian city, incl.
Berlin, during their occupation of Prussia.
Blucher intended to have Blucher appointed Governor of Paris, but Wellington preferred a candidate less symphatetic to Gneisenau, and suggested Prussian officer Muffling instead. Blucher agreed to this. The Prussian cavalry outposts made contact with Cossacks under Chernishev of the advancing Russian and Austrian armies. Few days earlier the detachment of Cossacks was the first allies troops who reached Paris.
Sources and Links.
Adkin - "Waterloo Companion"
Austin - "1815: The Return of Napoleon"
Barbero - "The Battle"
Chandler - "Waterloo - the Hundred Days"
Chandler - "Dictionary of the Napoleonic Wars"
Chlapowski - "Memoirs of a Polish Lancer"
Elting - "Swords Around a Throne"
Lachouque - "Waterloo"
The Department of History at the US Military Academy - series of campaign atlases
Napoleonic Wars (maps)
Hundred Days
Prince of Orange
General Hendrik Baron de Perponcher
Marshal Michel Ney
General Honoré -Charles Reille
General Jean-Baptiste Drouet, Comte d'Erlon
Jérôme Bonaparte
Pictures of Nassau Troops.
Pictures of Dutch / Belgian Troops.
Pictures of Brunswick Troops.
Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington
General Sir Thomas Picton
Travel to Waterloo