The retreat of the British army to Corunna is one of the less known campaigns of the
Napoleonic Wars. Following the disgraceful Convention of Cintra, the commanders of the
British army were recalled, including Sir Arthur Wellesley, to face a court of inquiry.
The British expedition to Portugal and Spain was left to General Sir John Moore.
De Rocca, of French cavalry, writes: "The English had entered Spain ... There was a momentary misunderstanding between the
Spaniards and English, which occasioned a want of union in their military operations.
The Spaniards, forgetting that the English were only auxiliaries in their quarrel,
reproached them, first with the slowness of their marches, and soon after with remaining
stationary. The English general, in his turn, accused the Spaniards of having constantly
concealed from him their situation, and their defeats, and of exaggerating their strength
and means of resistance." (de Rocca, - p. 63)
In 1799 General Moore commanded a brigade in the expedition to Egmont-op-Zee. His force was
badly defeated by the French troops and Moore himself was seriously injured.
In 1803 Moore established the innovative training regime that produced Britain's first
permanent light infantry regiments. He had a reputation as a humane
leader and trainer of men.
Moore was Britain's foremost soldier and as such, the obvious candidate for command.
In 1804 he was promoted to Lieutenant-General
and in 1808 was sent to Portugal. Gates writes: "After Sir Harry Burrard and his
immediate successor, Sir Hew Dalrymple, had hastily concluded the controversial
Cintra Convention with the French, the British government, horrified the public
outrage it caused, recalled the officers involved to face a court of enquiry.
With Burrard, Dalrymple and Wellesley all away, the command of the army in the
Peninsula passed to Lieutenant General Sir John Moore, who had arrived at the end
of August 1808 from the Baltic." (Gates - "The Spanish Ulcer" p 106)
In the beginning of September arrived reinforcements.
The British government designated another army (under Baird) to go to Peninsula and decided
to assist the Spanish armies in the field. On 20th December Moore's and Baird's corps united
at Mayorga and the force was organized as follow:
Commander-in-Chief: Ltn-Gen. Sir John Moore
Flank Brigade: Brig-Gen. Baron von Alten
Reserve Artillery: Col. Harding
1. Introduction.
- - General Moore. >
- - Moore's and Baird's troops. >
2. Moore's advance into Spain.
3. “The English are running away as fast as they can.”
- - Napoleon's crossing of the Sierra Guadarrama. >
- - Napoleon feared that the English
- - might flee before he brought them to battle. >
- - Small combat at Benavente. >
- - "… the enemy close at our heels, thirsting for our blood !" >
- - British stragglers were overtaken by the French chasseurs
- - who treated them most unmercifully. >
- - Napoleon received news of political intrigues in Paris
- - and that Austria was mobilising her large army. >
4. Marshal Soult takes over command from Napoleon.
- - - - - - - - - - Picture: Napoleon spent only few months in Spain.
- - British and Spanish troops separated. >
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Artwork by Hippolyte Lecomte, France.
- - “The retreat was more properly a flight.” >
- - With Napoleon and his army gone, the general outlook improved. >
5. In Corunna.
6. The Battle.
- - French and British Order of Battle. > + Map >
- - French infantry drove the British outpost from the Palavea and Penasquedo plateaus. >
- - Bitter fighting for Elvina. >
- - "... the cavalry - had found it difficult to deploy." >
- - Diversions in Palavea and Piedralonga. >
- - Moore supported the wavering Highlanders with the Guards. >
- - Moore and Baird were struck by French cannonballs. >
7. The French became the masters of the battlefield.
- - "The French … opened a cannonade upon the shipping
- - in the harbour, which caused great confusion amongst the transports. >
- - "Oh how lucky you English are to have
- - your ships and to be able to get away !" >
- - "... we have suffered a shameful disaster" - The Times >
from the Iberian Peninsula,
suffering heavy casualties in the process ... "
Esdaile - "The Peninsular War"
The Spaniards, forgetting that the English
were only auxiliaries in their quarrel,
reproached them, first with the slowness
of their marches, and soon after with remaining stationary.
The English general, in his turn, accused the Spaniards
of having constantly concealed from him their situation,
and their defeats, and of exaggerating their strength
and means of resistance." - de Rocca
This campaign began as follow: General Moore left a garrison in Lisbon of 10,000 men and
entered Spain with 20,000 to aid the Spanish. His command was to be augmented with
16,000 more under General Baird being sent through Corunna. Moore hoped that his action
will disrupt Napoleon's offensive and draw his attention away from Portugal.
Sir John Moore (1761-1809) was born in Glasgow.
At the age of 11 joined his father on a tour of France, Italy and Germany, including
a 2-year stay in Geneva, where Moore's education continued. He joined the British
army in 1776 as an ensign in the 51st Foot. Moore first saw action in 1778 during the
American Revolutionary War. In 1798 he was made Major-General and served in the suppression
of the rebellion in Ireland.
"He had made his name as an innovative instructor, pioneering and developing light
infantry tactics. He was rewarded for his services with a knighthood, promotion to the
rank of lieutenant-general, and a string of independent commands in Sicily, Gibraltar,
and Sweden… He was a humanitarian, who abhorred the use of the lash declaring on one
occasion, that it would be unfair to flog soldiers for drunkenness, unless offices
were flogged for it too !" (Summerville - "March of Death" p 21)
In the British army, as well as in the Russian army, the punishment was severe.
In contrast, there was no corporal punishment in the French army.
Moore's field army consisted of infantry, cavalry, artillery and engineers.
"They were all, however, volunteers … The average age of the soldiers was 23,
and their average height 5'6". Most had been farm labourers, many from impoverished
villages of Ireland and Scotland. They were paid 1 shilling per day, and led by an
officer corps of aristocrats and gentlemen, many of whom had simply bought their commissions
…" (Summerville - "March of Death" p 26)
Adjutant-General: on 8th October Brig-Gen. Clinton
Quartermaster-General: on 8th October Ltn-Col. Murray
1st Division: Ltn-Gen. Baird
Brigade: Mjr-Gen. Warde
- - - - - - I/1st Guards
- - - - - - III/1st Guards
Brigade: Mjr-Gen. Bentinck
- - - - - - I/4th Foot
- - - - - - I/42nd Highland
- - - - - - I/50th Foot
Brigade: Mjr-Gen. Manningham
- - - - - - III/1st Royal Scots
- - - - - - I/26th Foot
- - - - - - II/81st Foot
Company of Artillery
2nd Division: Ltn-Gen. Hope
Brigade: Mjr-Gen. Hill
- - - - - - 2nd Foot
- - - - - - I/5th Foot
- - - - - - II/14th Foot
- - - - - - I/32nd Foot
Brigade: Col. C Craufurd
- - - - - - I/36th Foot
- - - - - - I/71st Light
- - - - - - I/92nd Highland
Brigade: Mjr-Gen. Leith
- - - - - - 51st Foot
- - - - - - II/59th Foot
- - - - - - 76th Foot
Company of Artillery
3rd Division: Ltn-Gen. Mackenzie Fraser
Brigade: Mjr-Gen. Beresford
- - - - - - I/6th Foot
- - - - - - I/9th Foot
- - - - - - II/23rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers
- - - - - - II/43rd Light
Brigade: Brig-Gen. Fane
- - - - - - I/38th Foot
- - - - - - I/79th Highland
- - - - - - I/82nd Foot
Company of Artillery
Reserve Division: Mjr-Gen. Paget
Brigade: Brig-Gen. Anstruther
- - - - - - 20th Foot
- - - - - - I/52nd Light
- - - - - - 5 comp. I/95th Rifles
Brigade: Brig-Gen. Disney
- - - - - - I/28th Foot
- - - - - - I/91st Highland
Company of Artillery
- - - - - - I/Light KGL
- - - - - - II/Light KGL
Flank Brigade: Col. R Beresford
- - - - - - I/43rd Light
- - - - - - II/52nd Light
- - - - - - 8 comp. II/95th Rifles
- - - - - - 5 comp. V/60th
- - - - - - (on 6th Dec returned to Portugal
- - - - - - escorting the heavy baggage,
- - - - - - reserve ammunition and sick
- - - - - - soldiers.
Cavalry: Ltn-Gen. Paget
Brigade: Brig-Gen. Stewart
- - - - - - 3rd Light Dragoons KGL
- - - - - - 7th Light Dragoons
- - - - - - 18th Light Dragoons
Brigade: Brig-Gen. Slade
- - - - - - 10th Light Dragoons
- - - - - - 15th Light Dragoons
B and C Troop of Horse Artillery
- - - - - - five companies of artillery
Moore's advance into Spain.
Meanwhile Baird was having difficulties getting his force to move as fast as he wished. He made a landing at Corunna on Oct 26th and by Nov 22nd his corps had penetrated no further than Astorga. Moore arrived at Salamanca and after hearing of the defeat of Blake's Spaniards at Espinosa, the annihilation of Army of Estremadura and the destruction of Castaños at Tudela, he was having second thoughts about his own campaign. He rejected the entreaties of the Supreme Junta and ordered a withdrawal to Portugal.
On Dec 5th however Moore received news that the population of Madrid offered resistance
to the French army. A letter arrived from General La Romana, in which the Spaniard assured
Moore that he had rallied Blake's divisions and was ready to take the field with 23,000
men. A captured dispatch revealed the isolation of Marshal Soult's scattered corps. Moore decided to strike a blow at the French communication lines at Burgos and guarding them Soult's troops and thus oblige Napoleon to relinquish his grip on Madrid. However, much of the information Moore received was incorrect. Madrid had surrendered to Napoleon on Dec 4th and on Dec 11th Moore received gloomy information about it. On Dec 13th British cavalry picked up a copy of Napoleon's order to Soult. Thus advised as to the location of the various French units, Moore decided that he had time for a hit-and-run attack on Soult. One of Soult's infantry divisions being in Santander and his cavalry brigade in the Tagus valley, there seemed every chance that he could be overwhelmed before he could receive any help.
Napoleon already had been aware of Moore's army at Salamanca and was hurrying northwards. On Dec 19th three British deserters from the 60th Foot (actually they were Frenchmen captured at Trafalgar and enlisted in the British army) reached the French outposts with news that Moore's army had been in Salamanca as late as Dec 13th.
However, the chances of catching the British were slim.
"Setting the weather aside, Moore was so far to the north that it was unlikely that a
force from Madrid would ever have been able to cut him off.
“The English are running away
Napoleon took his army towards the Guadarrama Pass and in appalling weather led through the mountains. He believed that Moore's communications stretched back from Valladolid and along the Douro. But Moore's army was actually further north. Napoleon ordered Lahoussaye's cavalry to scout westward toward Salamanca. The VIII Corps and Lorge's dragoon division were assigned to Soult, who was instructed to maneuver to fix the English while Napoleon cut them off from Salamanca. Napoleon had decided that the appearance of British infantry in Valladolid would be a good indication that Moore was in earnest, and he therefore would remain in Madrid until this was reported. When the report reached him that afternoon, he ordered Lapisse, Dessoles and part of his Guard to march at once. It seemed obvious that Moore had changed bases and that Soult might be in considerable danger. However by hard marching, he hoped to overtake and destroy Moore.
Ney's corps cavalry lacked the strength for long-range reconnaissance through this broken
country. Though it found Salamanca evacuated, thus confirming Napoleon's deduction that
Moore had given up Lisbon for another base, farther north, it also reported the English no
farther ahead than Valladolid.
The British had far better knowledge of the French positions. "If Moore's operations were being conducted with a sure grasp of the positions and intentions of the enemy, it was in large part due to the guerillas' capture of large numbers of French couriers. Not until 15 December was Soult informed that Moore was on the move, whilst Napoleon did not hear of the matter for another 4 days." (Esdaile - "The Peninsular War" p 148) Napoleon learned about Moore's presence at Sahagun area, but his own troops were so exhausted that he had allowed them to rest most of the 26th. On the next day Napoleon sent his army forward at daybreak, Marshal Ney leading. Unfortunately, worried that Soult might be too weak to resist a major offensive, he directed Ney toward Medina-de-Rio-Seco, instead of Benavente. By the 28th, with English infantry reported in Benavente, it was evident that Moore was retreating. Napoleon feared that the English might flee before he brought them to battle. Still hopeful of striking Moore's flank, he drove his troops forward along roads knee-deep in mud, galloping ahead of them with a small escort in his anxiety to determine whether Moore were retiring through Astorga or Zamora. During the 28th and 29th, he checked his infantry along the flooded Esla River, awaiting the outcome of his cavalry reconnaissances - which proved disappointing. Ney's cavalry could not find a ford. La Romana's troops were defeated at Mansilla and were compelled to relinquish Laon. La Romana's corps joined the British in Astorga.
Sullen, the British treated Galicia like a hostile country. Moore writes: “The people run away, the villages are deserted, and I have been obliged to destroy great part of the ammunition and military stores. For the same reason I am obliged to leave the sick. In short, my sole object is to save the Army.” Almost every village which the British infantry passed, a cavalry officer of the rearguard reported, ‘exhibited melancholy proofs of the shameful devastation committed by the infantry which had preceded us; we observed in flames whilst we were at a considerable distance, and it was still burning when we passed through it. The inhabitants shouted ‘Viva los Francesces! and we overtook some stragglers who had been stripped and maltreated by the Spaniards. The Spaniards rang their church bells to evince their gratitude to God for having got rid of such a bunch of heretics and vandals. According to General Stewart the Spaniards "… abandoned their houses as the British army approached, locking their doors and concealing the little stock of provisions of which they were possessed … These things increased the irritation under which the troops already laboured. They [soldiers] began to look upon the Spaniards as enemies and treat them as people unworthy of consideration. This was severely retaliated by an enraged peasantry ..." The officers were quite unable to control their men. Except of the rearguard and a few of the more ordely regiments such as the Guards, the discipline no longer existed. One officer wrote: “In the end Vilafranca was literally plundered, and the drunkenness that prevailed among the troops led to the most shameful incidents. Down by the river the artillery destroyed all their stores, and lighting big fires burnt all their ammunition wagons, which they broke up for the purpose. They also threw all their ammunition into the river.”
According to Commissary Schaumann the combination of raw salt fish and rum ‘in empty stomachs’ resulted in the death of many men. “One of them took up a defiant attitude, a la Fabius, in the middle of the road, and with fixed bayonet shouted that he was General Moore.” The commander in chief ordered his troops out of town and back onto the Corunna road, but 'Great numbers would not leave the town, but concealed themselves in the wine cellars, which they had broken open, and were left there." (Summerville - "March of Death" p 120) Bembibre exhibited all the appearance of a place lately stormed and pillaged. Every door and window was broken. Wagon after wagon was abandoned and even the headquarters' supply of ready cash had to be thrown into a ravine. At Bembibre, the French dragoons rounded up hundreds of drunken British soldiers, and at Villafranca, British deserters were found to have looted their own army's depots ! Cpt. Gordon writes: "They [British stragglers] were soon overtaken by the French chasseurs who treated them most unmercifully, cutting to their right and left, and sparing none who came within reach of their swords." A few maimed and lacerated survivors made the safety of the British column, their injuries arousing howls of horror, pity, and outrage. Moore made public exhibits of them, in the hope that their shocking wounds might deter others from quitting the colours. The retreat remains a dark chapter in the history of the British army.
On January 1st, the Emperor left Benavente, still hopeful that Moore would stand at Astorga. Some distance from Astorga, a messenger from Paris overtook him: Austria seemed on the verge of declaring war; Fouche and Talleyrand were deep in intrigues against him;
The Emperor was needed in France. On January 17th he began a breakneck ride for Paris,
arriving there on the 24th. Before leaving, Napoleon announced his decisions:
Marshal Soult takes over command from Napoleon.
The British general sent his light troops through Orense to Vigo, where they embarked on the 17th. General La Romana moved southward. At midnight, after the destruction of the remaining stores and 500 horses, Moore ordered his army back on the Corunna road. "The country the English left behind them in their retreat was totally wasted, and every night Soult's troops had to seek provisions at very great distances from the beaten road, which considerably retarded their march and augmented their fatigues." (de Rocca - p 65)
There were several small combats between the French advance guard and British rear guard.
"… at about 1 PM, with Colbert closing in on Cacabellos, Paget hustled his troops down the
snow-clad hill and across the Cua to the safety of the western bank. Here, screened by the
vineyard walls, his infantry fanned out into extended order, while the 6 guns of Carthew's
artillery battery were wheeled into position astride the road commanding the bridge.
Moments later, Colbert's troopers poured over the brow of the recently-vacated hill,
pursuing the riflemen and hussars of Paget's pickets into Cacabellos itself.
It was in this point that, according to Cpt. Gordon, the 15th Hussars made a stand …
In military terms, Moore's decision to retreat was probably sensible enough, but in other aspects it was a disaster. Especially from the Spanish point of view. Having first failed to appear in time to meet Napoleon's counter-offensive and then allowed Madrid to fall without firing a shot, the British seemed to be abandoning Spain altogether.
At all events La Romana was absolutely furious, for many of the supplies stored at Astorga had been intended for his army, whilst Moore had initially promised him that he would defend the town. And there was worse to come. As Moore retreated so desertion, drunkeness and large number of British stragglers appeared.
"The English have seized ... the mules and oxen that drew our army's artillery, munitions and baggage train. ... They have killed 3 magistrates and various other inhabitants. ... They have not paid for the carts and animals that they have used to move their women and their immense baggage trains. ... In a word the French themselves could not have found agents better calculated to whip up hate of the British than the army commanded by General Sir Moore." (- General La Romana)
“The retreat was more properly a flight.” General Stewart writes: "In Astorga, the blowing up of ammunition wagons, the destruction of entrenching tools and the committal of field equipments to the flames for a whole division, gave signal for all the bad passions of those who witnessed them, to let loose; and, mortifying as it is to confess it, the fact cannot be denied, that from that hour we no longer resembled a British army."
According to Crabb Robinson “The retreat was more properly a flight. It was conducted
very blunderingly and with precipitation.” Inexperienced English officers, unaware of the
hardships to come, had permitted a large number of women to accompany the army at the outset
of the campaign. Their plight was one of the most tragic aspects of the whole retreat.
Cpt. Patterson of 50th Foot writes: “Whenever we gained summit of a hill, all eyes were on
the watch to catch a glimpse looked out for ships.”
With Napoleon and his army gone,
According to Sir Oman, Moore "shocked at the state of indiscipline into which his regiments
were falling, throught only of getting to the sea as quickly as possible."
"Moore had made the safety of the mountains and his eventual salvation -
courtesy of the Royal Navy - seemed all but guaranteed." (Summerville - p 91)
"Lieutenant General Cradock had tried to reinforce Moore's army in early December by sending
forward Brigadier General Cameron with the 1/45th Regiment, 1/82nd Regiment, and the 97th
Regiment. Only the 1/82nd Regiment got through and the others turned back.
In Corunna.
Most of the British artillery wagons that had escaped the holocaust at Villafranca were thrown over the cliffs into the sea. By January 14th, most of what could not be used by the British army and its Spanish allies had been destroyed. On the evening of that day over 100 transports and 12 warships sailed into the bay from Vigo, and at last the embarkation could begin. Hastily, before the wind should change, the remainder of the sick, all the guns except nine, and all the cavalry regiments, which would be of little use on the rocky broken slopes outside the town, were sent aboard.
Moore could not hope that the infantry would be able to follow the cavalry with as little
interference from the enemy. Reports had reached him that Soult’s engineers had come up to
repair the bridge at Burgo a few hours after Paget
had been withdrawn, and the infantry divisions of Merle and Merment were now streaming across
it towards the Heights of Palavea.
Moore ordered preparations for departure and the destruction of 4,000 barrels of gunpowder.
The blast had broken virtually every window in Corunna.
The Battle. Like those in Dunkirk in 1940, the British forces in Corunna were in dire peril, trapped with their backs to the sea. Marshal Soult began to collect his scattered troops for battle. However, the appearance of British warships and transport fleet and the detonation of 4,000 barrels of gunpowder - convinced the Frenchman that the British's escape was imminent. Realising that he could delay no longer, re resolved to attack immediately. Moore earmarked troops to cover the embarkation. Soult delayed by blown bridges, appeared at Corunna after the British.
The strength of the French troops at Corunna vary from author to author. The most often given numbers are 15,000 men, 16,000 men, 20,000 men and even 24,000 men. According to Hibbert, Marshal Soult had 16,000 men in three infantry and three cavalry divisions. Since cavalry (3,600 men) was of very little use in the rugged terrain, Soult could use 12,000 infantrymen. The strength of Moore's army at Corunna is given at 15,000 men, 16,000 men and 20,000 men. "Since Sir John had lost some 5.000 men on the reatreat, and was in the process of shipping his cavalry and artillery - plus 3,000 sick and wounded - he would be left with approx. 15,000 foot soldiers with which to hold the ground." ... "Moore's decision to despatch the light brigades to the port of Vigo, south of Corunna, was a controversial one which has divided historians ever since… Oman - with the benefit of hindsight - states, '3.500 fine soldiers were wasted for all fighting purposes." (- Summerville)
According to Haythornthwaite the British troops had been rested and many re-equipped with new muskets, whereas Soult's infantry was handicapped by damaged ammunition and battered muskets. (Haythornthwaite - "Corunna 1809" p 91)
![]() Commander - Marshal Soult
![]() Commander - General Moore
Troops not participating in the battle:
When daylight came on January 15th the British guns had been waiting silently for 4 days. Moore had begun to doubt that the French would attack at all. But the French came. Soult sent captured Irish woman of 50th Foot that he should soon visit the British. "… some senior [British] officers thought the situation so perilous, so desperate, as to warrant peace talks with Soult." (Summerville - "March of Death" p 182) The last days were quiet but on 15th the whole scene changed. The Spanish people rushed up to roofs and balconies, and British sailors clambered up the ships’ rigging looking inland towards the hills. They had heard the sound of gun fire and were looking at each other with anxious enquiry. During the morning, when Delaborde’s infantry division had crossed the Mero River, the men of Mermet’s and Merle’s infantry divisions came up to the crest of the Penasquedo Heights. On their right Delaborde’s division climbed up the Heights of Palavea and dragged up 2 guns which before noon were firing across the valley at the forward regiments of Hope’s division. According to a soldier of the 42nd Highland "The French army did not advance very rapidly, on account of the badness of the ground." (Summerville "March of Death" p 186) Approx. 480 French tirailleurs spearheaded the attack. They were led by General Jardon, a tough, scarcely literate old soldier, hard-drinking and hard-swearing, who marched with his men, a musket in his hand and a dirty shirt on his back. The French infantry drove the British outpost from the Palavea and Penasquedo plateaus. Now walking, now running, they came on shouting, ‘En avant !’ Tuez ! Tuez ! En avant !’ pushing the English picquets before them, driving the light company of the 59th Regiment out of the village and then advancing up the slopes of Monte Mero. "When Laborde's division arrived ... the Duke of Dalmatia made no idle evolutions of display, for distributing his lighter guns along the front of his position, he opened a fire from the heavy battery on his left, and instantly descended the mountain with three columns, covered by clouds of skirmishers ... The nature of the ground also prevented any movement of artillery on either side, and the French columns in their attack were exposed to grape, which they could not return because of the distance of their batteries." (- Napier)
Colonel M’Kenzie of the 5th Foot decided to take some companies of his regiment
through the village of Piedralonga and make a charge on the guns, which, so far as he could
see, were unsupported. He led his men through the village of Piedralonga and then opened
them up in line for the charge up the slope beyond it. They ran few yards only.
It was 6 AM in the morning of 16th January. Moore mounted his … horse and rode off to his forward outposts along the ridge of Monte Mero. … He told Col. Anderson, who had been acting as Adjutant-General since Brigadier-General Clinton had gone to bed with diarrhea, that he hoped all the remaining baggage and horses would be aboard by 4 o’clock as he wanted the boats to be free by then for the embarkation of the reserve division…. At 12 o’clock the men of the reserve received orders to march for the harbour.
At noon the French were in position and at 2 PM their principal battery opened fire on Elvina.
Major Napier rode across his front to the ridge of his regiment. He noticed that each time
a cannon shot whistled over their heads they all ducked.
French General Mermet took light infantry and opened the ball. The French surged forward
and fell on Bentinck's brigade. The British light infantry was quickly evicted from Elvina.
After passing Elvina, the French 31st Regiment had split into two. The right hand column, which had been marching up the slope against the 42nd Regiment, halted to deploy. The British 50th Foot and 42nd Highland fired a volley and then rushed on with the bayonet. There was a burst of ferocious shouting, a brief and savage struggle, and then the French gave ground. They quickly recovered, however, and the Highlanders were held half-way down the slope. The French rallied and turned on the pursuers, the 50th, routing them and inflicting "grevious casualties." The redcoasts fled to their lines where Moore rallied them. The 42nd was so hard pressed that Moore brought up 2 Guard battalions to support the Scots. After some bitter fighting the French finally fell back from the ridge to Elvina.
"... the cavalry - had found it Four dragoon regiments under Lahoussaye trotted out from the cover of the hills behind them and edged northwards, as if to get round the right of the British frontline troops and cut them off from their line of retreat to Corunna. "The French offensive had been severely hampered by broken terrain, criss-crossed by walls and gulleys, and the troops - especially the cavalry - had found it difficult to deploy." (Summerville - "March of Death" p 199) To check the turning movements of the cavalry on his right Moore sent back orders to Fraser to move out of the Corunna suburbs on the heights of San Margarita, and orders to Paget to move towards San Cristobal. Paget had sent out the 95th Rifles in extended order as soon as he had received Moore's first order. A little later the 52nd Light, with the 28th Foot in support, had joined the 95th and, followed by the other 2 battalions of the division - the 20th and the 91st - moved along the right bank of the Menelos River.
All 5 battalions moved quickly and had reached the edge of Monte Mero while the French
dragoons were still stumbling through the maze of rough stone walls and rutted enclousers
between Elvina and San Cristobal in the valley below.
Sources and Links.
Recommended Reading.
Estudio Historico y Uniformología de la Guerra de la Independencia
Chandler - "Dictionary of the Napoleonic Wars" (1993)
Esdaile - "The Peninsular War" 2002
Gates - "The Spanish Ulcer"
Hibbert - "Corunna"
De Rocca - "In the Peninsula with a French hussar."
Napier - "History of the War in the Peninsula 1807-1814"
This is an interesting book, we love it ! Napier had been taken prisoner as he limped back through Elvina with 3
of his men from the 50th and an Irishman from the 42nd Highland. Other soldiers had clubbed him with their muskets. They would have killed him had not a
French drummer intervened to save him.
Haythornthwaite - "Corunna 1809"
This is not a bad book, it's just so one sided. Here is part of review
of this book from (2005): "However, readers should be aware of the author's pro-British bias in evaluating the results
of the campaign." The author is extremely one-sided in the selection of sources.
For example on p 94 Biographies and memoirs are listed very numerous British sources: Anon, Anglesey, Blakeney, Gonneville, Gordon, Green, Hall, Harris, Hayman, Porter,
Moore, Morley, Napier, Neale, Oman, Parkinson, Robertson, Ross-Lewin, Schaumann, Smith,
Steevens, Surtees, Tylden, and Verden. There are no Spanish sources and only a single
French source, Lejeune. That being the case, the book should have been titled,"Corunna - The British Perspective."
Marshal Nicolas Jean de Dieu Soult
General Henri François Delaborde
Sir John Moore
Lord Paget
General Pedro Caro y Sureda, 3rd Marquis of la Romana
Travel to Corunna
"War in Spain" - by Suchet
"How England Saved Europe"
Napoleon, His Army and Enemies