I, II, III, IV, V Cavalry Corps
Imperial Guard
Reserve Cavalry - 24.000/24.500 men
The total strength of these troops was between 63.000 and 69.000. There were also several army corps.
1. I Cavalry Corps (GdD Latour-Maubourg) - 6.400/6.500 men French-German-Italian-Dutch
2. II Cavalry Corps (GdD Sebastiani) - 5.600/5.700 men
3. III Cavalry Corps (GdD Arrighi) - 4.000/4.100 men
4. IV Cavalry Corps (GdD Sokolnicki) - 3.000/3.100 men - Polish
5. V Cavalry Corps (GdD Pajol) - 5.000/5.100 men
Imperial Guard - 41.000/42.000 men
6. I Infantry Corps of the Young Guard (MdE Oudinot) - 10.600/10.800 men
7. II Infantry Corps of the Young Guard (MdE Mortier) - 10.700/10.900 men
8. Infantry Corps of the Old Guard (GdD Friant and GdD Curial) - 10.800/11.000 men
9. Cavalry Corps of the Guard (GdD Nansouty) - 7.500/7.700 men
10. Reserve Artillery of the Guard (GdD Dulauloy)
These troops are in Part 1.
btns. - battalions
sq. - squadrons
MdE - Maréchal d'Empire
GdD - Général de Division
GdB - Général de Brigade
Col. - Colonel
Mjr. - Major
CdB. - Chef de Bataillon
CdE. - Chef de Escadron
Cpt. - Capitaine
Ltn. - Lieutenant
Sources and Links.
Nafziger - "Napoleon at Leipzig"
Digby-Smith - "1813: Leipzig"
Lukasiewicz - "Armia Ksiecia Jozefa 1813"
Bowden - "Armies of 1813"
Plotho - "Relation de la bataille de Leipzig"
Pelet - "Principales Operations"
Nadzieja - "Lipsk 1813"
Martinien - "Tableaux par corps et par batailles des officiers ..."
Marshal Nicolas Oudinot.
Memoirs of Marshal Oudinot.
Marshal Édouard Adolphe Casimir Joseph Mortier.
General Étienne Marie Antoine Champion de Nansouty.
General Michal Sokolnicki.
Travel to Leipzig.
Napoleon, His Army and Enemies